Mayors and managers in operations BDP'li for BDP'ye the arrest of the protest continues. In Batman, with the participation of 15 thousand people turned into a rally in protest actions speak Batman deputy Ayla Akat Ata, in local elections in March '29 go to the polls and reject and destroy politics will not be part of the 72 thousand people also are under arrest 'he said.
In operations for BDP'ye between the Mayor of Batman Nejdet Atalay, including a large number of people arrested because among the deputy Ayla Akat Ata Batman, Batman BDP Chairman Mehmetşah Kaygusuz, BDP Deputy Chairman Mehmet Serif Ekinci, district mayors and civil society organizations including more than 15 thousand people came together in front of Batman Municipality. Because of protest in Diyarbakır street in front of the hospital numerous Farabbi agile forces teams, panzer, special action teams and civilian police were placed. Police carry out mass in the direction frequently cautioned not found. Does not allow police to carry out mass prevention of police on the mass sit-in protest was made. Then, after negotiations with police officials in front of the hospital Farabbi explanation was decided to do. So the masses' Batman Nejdet Atalay is proud of, 'You can not break our will arrest', 'We want our president' opening banners marched towards Farabbi Hospital. Audiences often 'PKK is the people of the people here,' serok Apo ',' print can not intimidate us', 'Resistance to resist will win', 'Youth is a chucker Apo'nun' slogan was laid.
'History will recur'
Speaking in explanation turned into a rally BDP Batman Mehmetşah Kaygusuz President in history has been expressed tekkerrür the head and shoulders of the DEP deputies in Parliament laid dark, painful destruction of the front of the opening, he said.
That day, the decision of the political parties since 1993 occurred more than 20 thousand casualties are solely responsible for the saying that the Kaygusuz, said: 'the Kurdish people and their representatives that day is exported from the Assembly who has not forgotten, will never forget. Break of 15 years passed. Country's cultural, social, political changes in the area was too. A change in a single view of the state as the Kurds did not. By the state for the Kurds since the Republic of pressure, violence, denial and assimilation policies are implemented. 'Turn the Kaygusuz mentions,' democratic solution to Kurdish problem would be, mothers would not cry. However, we have come with effect from the point of tears of mothers is increasing every day, detention, detention with the hype of the Kurdish people and institutions of this expansion process, deception is not something else is clearly seen as' he said. Kaygusuz, followed with the Kurdish people by the accuracy of the road map, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan is being blocked to public access, such as isolation, conditions in the prison system İmralı further heavy drew attention. 'No one of the 30-year fight against the Kurdish people and reveal the organized structures, institutions and democratic systems should expect to give up in the Kaygusuz, opening the process to continue smoothly if required to listen to the voice of the Kurdish people must be given, he said. Kaygusuz, all terms and conditions of the liquidation plan, the liquidation plan, such as in the other wanted to know would be fruitless.
Batman deputy Ayla Akat Ata also go to the polls in local elections in March '29 and will not be part of the denial and destruction policy is the 72 thousand prisoners' he said. Touches on opening the Akat Ata, said: 'Opening Is upgrading heavy Öcalan's conditions of confinement, the democratic opening of the will of the Kurdish people what you do is to be taken into custody, arrest Is it? DTP deputies closed in our ministry has been reduced, our mayor was arrested. Is the name of this opening? This is not the name of democratization. We have not forgotten the in Batman massacred Edip Solmaz. Mehmet Sincar'ları not forgotten, Vedat Aydın'ları not forgotten. Must have a memory of the state. This population is aware of the price paid. You become aware of these people. "Ignoring the free will of the Kurdish people who would not Akat Ata, 'We will not give up for years, did not abandon the claim of freedom. We want equality of freedom and brotherhood. If you have the courage to get this command are coming 'he added. After 10 minutes of speeches made mass arrests protested with sit-in.
The operations carried out for 7 mayors BDP'ye also found among the 23 people protesting the arrest of a black banner with the aim of the original City was Çınar. Detained and released the same operation Mayor Ahmet Cengiz Çınar visits continue to support, the county citizens, students, municipal employees and municipal visits continue. Support for visitors to the 'Configure and arrests will pressure our lovestruck at handcuffs''that is the Mayor Cengiz,' the mayor and administrator for the BDP and condemn these operations, to be arrested and handcuffed is the will of the people. Still continue to be arrested and detained all the mayors and representatives of other institutions with BDP'li managers are immediately demanded a''he said.
Çınarlı women also, Çınar BDP County Organization to march from the city, the 'Print can not intimidate us'',' arrest of the executive and the owner of the same crime are all'', 'They are KCK'li''KCK'liyiz as we were shouting slogans. Sycamore in front of the council to explain the women, 'our Mayor, our managers and our human rights defenders arrested for their protest against the pressure and is, women will end as we are behind our elected representative''he said. Women in later Cengiz visited the bureau. In the meantime, in order to condemn operations BDP'ye toward tomorrow 12:00 hrs in the county at the march.
IHD Branch at Tarsus, in front of the building BDP'ye for operations related to the association statement said. Branch Chairman to explain the IHD Tarsus Abdulselam Duran, the former Chairman of DTP Tarsus County Ernarici Halis, BDP managers attended. Read description Duran, is in Turkey for more than 30 years of low-intensity war continued, and that as a result of this war, tens of thousands of people lost their lives, he said. After all these people who lived in Turkey, some political opening and the start of the debate voiced that Duran, the DTP's closure, the newly opened BDP and elected representatives of human rights defenders and representatives of the democratic mass organizations of the arrest this process undermines said.
Kürtçe Haber, Kürdish News, Kürt haber, Kürtçe news, Kürdi news, Ajans Kürdi
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
"Neşeli Hayat" in the U.S. CNN
Yılmaz Erdoğan as Santa Claus 'Happy Life' film, the mobility of the new year in Istanbul with the American channel CNN became the subject of
American CNN television, starring Yılmaz Erdoğan and also the construction, management, and the scenario writer assumed 'Happy Life' film was introduced. 'Happy Life of,' do not celebrate Christmas, mostly inhabited by Muslims in Turkey have taken the first modern Christmas movie is in the news, "the problem, it's Santa Claus who exactly does not know it and that this issue is very simple lesson in the need to" expression was used.
News of the main characters in an administrator's famous Father Christmas Rahman and others' ho ho Santa Claus costume and ho'sunu taught that Riza's other Christmas Baba'ların waiting room 'Selamünaleyküm' he enters scenes were also discussed. News in an interview the Yılmaz Erdoğan, the character of the 'Western-style living and Christmas ornaments celebrate Christmas with a more wealthy, upper-class Turks and the big cities from Anatolia migrated to the tradition due to the poor than to the Turks in Turkey between two worlds in a metaphoric bridge said .
Erdogan, "Santa Claus, a symbol that we all love. Anyone who sees him smiles. We do not have a religious ties with our Christmas. We are only in modern times a day for about the connection we have established. Most of us belong to the Western world loves and loved ones celebrating this day, "he said.
Such as the Christian city
Shopping and trade centers in the news these days in Istanbul and the Christian West that can mix easily with the city, shops and hotels because of the Christmas tree, lights and decorations were equipped with, is missing only in the form of Christmas carols in a comment was made. Of Christmas splendor, in only rich neighborhood shopping area is not limited to, working class appeal that centuries of Ottoman minarets in the shadow markets also seen in the news, from baklava to shotgun everything is sold by vendors in the stands, toys for Santa Claus and Snowman figures also were told to sell.
Head-seller of a woman, the last two or three years, all layers of society of the people shopping in the new year much more interested in saying that in the news, mostly Muslims, to customers selling Christmas trees to the spouse who helped a Jew from Istanbul's "Christmas tree Turks more New Year's trees, as addressed is. Well, a symbol of happiness, why not use? "Also was included in the opinion. In news, the glory of Christmas in Turkey is due to commercial concerns, Yılmaz Erdoğan's also Santa Claus as a symbol of the capitalism that has been mentioned. (aa)
American CNN television, starring Yılmaz Erdoğan and also the construction, management, and the scenario writer assumed 'Happy Life' film was introduced. 'Happy Life of,' do not celebrate Christmas, mostly inhabited by Muslims in Turkey have taken the first modern Christmas movie is in the news, "the problem, it's Santa Claus who exactly does not know it and that this issue is very simple lesson in the need to" expression was used.
News of the main characters in an administrator's famous Father Christmas Rahman and others' ho ho Santa Claus costume and ho'sunu taught that Riza's other Christmas Baba'ların waiting room 'Selamünaleyküm' he enters scenes were also discussed. News in an interview the Yılmaz Erdoğan, the character of the 'Western-style living and Christmas ornaments celebrate Christmas with a more wealthy, upper-class Turks and the big cities from Anatolia migrated to the tradition due to the poor than to the Turks in Turkey between two worlds in a metaphoric bridge said .
Erdogan, "Santa Claus, a symbol that we all love. Anyone who sees him smiles. We do not have a religious ties with our Christmas. We are only in modern times a day for about the connection we have established. Most of us belong to the Western world loves and loved ones celebrating this day, "he said.
Such as the Christian city
Shopping and trade centers in the news these days in Istanbul and the Christian West that can mix easily with the city, shops and hotels because of the Christmas tree, lights and decorations were equipped with, is missing only in the form of Christmas carols in a comment was made. Of Christmas splendor, in only rich neighborhood shopping area is not limited to, working class appeal that centuries of Ottoman minarets in the shadow markets also seen in the news, from baklava to shotgun everything is sold by vendors in the stands, toys for Santa Claus and Snowman figures also were told to sell.
Head-seller of a woman, the last two or three years, all layers of society of the people shopping in the new year much more interested in saying that in the news, mostly Muslims, to customers selling Christmas trees to the spouse who helped a Jew from Istanbul's "Christmas tree Turks more New Year's trees, as addressed is. Well, a symbol of happiness, why not use? "Also was included in the opinion. In news, the glory of Christmas in Turkey is due to commercial concerns, Yılmaz Erdoğan's also Santa Claus as a symbol of the capitalism that has been mentioned. (aa)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Kesk Sor Zer(Green, Red and Yellow)

County of Kozluk in Batman in the 8th grade 8 students, their yellow, red, green color of the peak reflects on the grounds of the rainbow picture PKK was removed from school 3 days. Students, "This is unfair" he, the school principal, "Bad habits have applied to the penalty he infected," he said. Batman's Kozluk Yanıkkaya Village County Primary School 8 / A-class students Hanife Sahin, Inayet donation, Bahar Korkmaz, Hanifi Ogur, Recep Ogur, Ramazan Korkmaz, Hamza Korkmaz and Hikmet Yavuz, they work as a group business training courses and fruit in the rainbow picture was drawn. Yellow-red-green color of the picture concentrated, reflects the colors of the PKK on the grounds drew the attention of Deputy Director Tolga Omay. Omay's the issue on the transfer to the School Principal Trust Bal decided to student disciplinary, 3 day suspension from school was given the penalty. School Principal Bal, "Young of the bad habits lest only disciplinary action, the transmission of infection has already been decided. Punishment revulsion after three days, our students will be able to come to school again," he said explanation. ABOUT ET not to PENALTY Expelled from school 8 students in the face of the punishment they were surprised and said it did not deserve punishment. Students in the age of 13 Inayet Peace, said the police wanted to be, said: "Some see the picture of our teachers' planning so you do have you done? Bari you were also leave stars on the picture said. If such an idea would be our stars would leave but I do not deserve the punishment encountered. But I most of the policing profession I love. Away from school for Turkish We could not take the exam. We did not deserve punishment, we love our school and our friends. " Expelled from school, father of 8 children 60 years of Hanife Şahin Şahin Felemez also given to children can not give meaning to the sentence said. Sahin, "Allahaşkına students as a group they are drawn, see this picture. This image where prohibited. This picture around the rainbow and just have colors. Our children will be away from school movement did not do. Some of the school administration to consider the wider needs. Such things right?" I reacted.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Demonstrations took place during the night in Cizre
Demonstrations took place during the night in Cizre
In Cizre of Sirnak Province, last night to protest BDP'ye for gözaltları neighborhoods along the city walls and Cudi protests are being organized, in the county clock 13.00 in the press release to be done.
To protest for gözaltları Cizre BDP'ye last night in protest demonstrations were organized throughout. Accumulated hundreds of quarters between the demonstrators' serok Apo ',' PKK is the people of the people here, 'BDP'ye extending hands to yourself breaking' accompanied by slogans marched towards Nusaybin Street. The demonstrators burned tires and then the Nusaybin Street closed to traffic. Road closed to traffic, gas grenades and rubber bullets on demonstrators who were with the intervention. Faces of police intervention in young puşilerle closed molotofkokteyli and retaliated with stones. The show lasted until late at night with gas bombs at random by the district police intervened. Of the gas grenade thrown at an early age, especially children and the elderly were affected.
Came together today in the Volga street demonstrators burned tires and closed roads to traffic when attacked with stones as Director of the Highway District.
Lasted until late at night in the county today, hours after the action 13.00 in front of the building between the mayors of municipalities, including the arrest of 23 people, will be held to protest the press release. Intensive measures taken in the county continues tense anticipation
In Cizre of Sirnak Province, last night to protest BDP'ye for gözaltları neighborhoods along the city walls and Cudi protests are being organized, in the county clock 13.00 in the press release to be done.
To protest for gözaltları Cizre BDP'ye last night in protest demonstrations were organized throughout. Accumulated hundreds of quarters between the demonstrators' serok Apo ',' PKK is the people of the people here, 'BDP'ye extending hands to yourself breaking' accompanied by slogans marched towards Nusaybin Street. The demonstrators burned tires and then the Nusaybin Street closed to traffic. Road closed to traffic, gas grenades and rubber bullets on demonstrators who were with the intervention. Faces of police intervention in young puşilerle closed molotofkokteyli and retaliated with stones. The show lasted until late at night with gas bombs at random by the district police intervened. Of the gas grenade thrown at an early age, especially children and the elderly were affected.
Came together today in the Volga street demonstrators burned tires and closed roads to traffic when attacked with stones as Director of the Highway District.
Lasted until late at night in the county today, hours after the action 13.00 in front of the building between the mayors of municipalities, including the arrest of 23 people, will be held to protest the press release. Intensive measures taken in the county continues tense anticipation
Guerrilla inhuman treatment has been shown to funeral
Guerrilla inhuman treatment has been shown to funeral
Mount Cudi in Sirnak in the two guerrillas killed in combat in Naas, and kicked by soldiers while crawling in places are being displayed.
Mount Cudi in the village Gündikê Remo Pikera field on December 4 in a clash that killed HPG guerrillas Text Gulec (Victory Cudi) to kill Jacob Dellayimilan (Harun Betırs) 's in Naas by soldiers in places are being dragged kicking and displayed.
Both soldiers by guerrillas of the Naas half of the body bags placed out whether the head and foot dragging, while another soldier while they seem to kick ....
Gulec HPG'li Text (Victory Cudi) and Yakup Dellayimilan'ın (Harun Betırs) for the funeral, and his uncle Dervish Gulec Gulec Gulec's sister's calls Adile where the conflict zone by 40 people was taken from Dağkonak was brought to the village. Sirnak State Hospital brought to the morgue for burial in the Eastern Kurdistan, with the funeral because HPG'li Dellayimilan'ın while staying in the hospital, the autopsy process Güleç HPG'li Text After 10 thousand people participated on December 11 in a ceremony that had been buried.
Mount Cudi in Sirnak in the two guerrillas killed in combat in Naas, and kicked by soldiers while crawling in places are being displayed.
Mount Cudi in the village Gündikê Remo Pikera field on December 4 in a clash that killed HPG guerrillas Text Gulec (Victory Cudi) to kill Jacob Dellayimilan (Harun Betırs) 's in Naas by soldiers in places are being dragged kicking and displayed.
Both soldiers by guerrillas of the Naas half of the body bags placed out whether the head and foot dragging, while another soldier while they seem to kick ....
Gulec HPG'li Text (Victory Cudi) and Yakup Dellayimilan'ın (Harun Betırs) for the funeral, and his uncle Dervish Gulec Gulec Gulec's sister's calls Adile where the conflict zone by 40 people was taken from Dağkonak was brought to the village. Sirnak State Hospital brought to the morgue for burial in the Eastern Kurdistan, with the funeral because HPG'li Dellayimilan'ın while staying in the hospital, the autopsy process Güleç HPG'li Text After 10 thousand people participated on December 11 in a ceremony that had been buried.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Şivan Perwer, 30 January in Vienna in Austria's capital,
Şivan Perwer, 30 January in Vienna in Austria's capital, accompanied by a symphony orchestra, "peace" concert will Perwer "in Vienna's concert, Turkey" in the debate lasting solution for the Kurdish question "in the process of democratic opening" to support and call for international peace "in order to find the carries. To this end, Turkey, northern Iraq and Europe "than many politicians and artists will be invited to a concert. Among the most notable names invited Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay. Günay, shortly before 35 years living abroad and because of lawsuits filed on Turkey "to ban the entry Perwer" e "Turkey" to return "had called. But Günay" s not going to go and has not yet gained certainty. BARZANİDE INVITED Günay concert "s, as well as between Turkey and Diyarbakir Mayor Osman Baydemir Ahmet" in a large number of politicians including writer Yasar Kemal and many artists and writers will be invited. Northern Iraq "is among tan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani Iraq" as well as cabinet members of the European "peace activists from the çağrılıcak. Perwer" Austrian President Heinz Fischer in concert "of the participation became definite. PRIME MINISTER INVITES had Concert, Vienna "Konzerthaus also" will also give you. Perwer in concert "to come from various countries, and Vienna," the 50 people who live band composed of musicians who WienKlang Ensemble Orchestra of "as well as their group of 10 people and 20-25 people consisting of a Vienna choir will be accompanied. Perwer in concert, classical music has been adapted to 10 works in conjunction with , with the hope that the peace process is composed of four new tracks will also call. So far Kurdish always works in concert can call the first time in this concert Perwer own words and music that will call a Turkish work. OPENING VIENNA "said YA UZAN Perwer "in 30 January" ta Vienna "will also in Conducting the concert will Azis Sadikovic. Perwer" e world-famous violinist DILSHAD Said the Perwer Kurdish "e will be accompanied. Compere of the concert the Austria" s famous artist Willi Resetarits will
Monday, December 21, 2009
DTP's closure spread across the country in the past when we look at the watch shows the opposite of the squares on the film would be like .. In Diyarbakir in a university student from the back of the drop-fire result yitimesi life, Istanbul Dolapdere DTP weapons fire on the demonstrators to be, Mus province in the town of Fuzzy occurring in full and could not be identified in the event of two people killed eight people and injuries in the past we have seen from the deep-known film contains square.
When we go back to the same games are on display Susurluk, Yuksekova, Semdinli and the Ergenekon gang can see expand. Some of this gang witnesses, defendants and victims were reflected to the public through the media. All of this has been turned into one tome. This is clearly the most gangs in Semdinli had a chance to follow the events of the gang. To the public all the facts in the case Semdinli outspread sheets sheets, deep power of the people caught red-handed. Prime Minister Erdogan "Fly where if it will go up there" he said. Occurring events and related Semdinli on the agenda including claims case was opened by Van Public Prosecutor Ferhat Sarikaya. Van High Criminal Court if the decision ta `March 7 indictment had agreed. This is in accordance with the procedures for preparing the indictment meant. Evidence obtained in consequence of the indictment prepared Prosecutor Sarikaya, former Land Forces Commander Gen. Yasar Buyukanit `s name also was included in the indictment.
The prosecutor's Şemdinli complete about the event in the indictment, the former Land Forces Commander Yasar Buyukanit to blame, had upset the political agenda. Co-Chairman Ahmet Turk DTP then closed, the law regardless of what position in the face of everyone was equally noted. Judges guilty of preparing an indictment should not look at the position told. Semdinli indictment `or` ideological manifesto of the time likened the opposition party, the Motherland Party leader Erkan Mumcu, the indictment of the political and turn into a manifesto was idelojik, prosecutors and his own government through democratic perspective, said it set up. Mumcu Sarikaya's indictment in the Southeast region for the `` said this language, and sympathizers of the PKK is the language of this region in fact, East or Southeast Anatolia region is indicated by this expression of good faith that the prosecutor said.
The indictment, prepared by regional public prosecutor Sarikaya confidence in the justice of the highest level had been removed. However, this will be historic and prosecutors, while in deep shock to the hard rock of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors in the result (HSYK) by the Law on Judges and Prosecutors in the 69th According to the last paragraph of article was expelled from the profession.
Now, we prepared 200-page case file, then I would like to offer a few sections. That day the indictment-prepared-in fact, a road map for democratic opening and the last at the bottom of the events in the process of understanding the reasons are in a position to shed light.
The violence in the region last for years to investigate the truth behind this indictment, the prosecutor's impossible to understand without reading the facts. This indictment of fuzzy events / fail and the power behind the similarity is remarkable.
Events and actors in the region in question of indictment of the role based law violated how, tools and persecution are the eyes reveal.
1 - THE PKK AND ÖCALAN assessments
PKK leader Ocalan has been included in the indictment.
According to court to defend the prosecutor Sarikaya Öcalan to Turkey's EU process emphasis the report says.
"Copenhagen political criteria" in the context of the PKK's claim that re-evaluate Turkey's EU candidacy to be adopted in case of a general amnesty be removed, Ocalan and senior staff's participation in the political life of the provision, by the state of education in Kurdish and Öcalan were applied to isolate the termination of such request that the report says.
In addition, since 2006 with Öcalan'nın objectives, "the Democratic-Building the Ecological Society", the current goals "of Kurdish cultural identity as a constitutional recognition and co-founder of the Republic of the Kurds item to be registered as" point that represents the combined.
Sarikaya, Ocalan's solitary confinement to him on the grounds of applied participate in political activities to the obstacles that you want to remove this purpose, organizations can activate the masses with every excuse to take conflict is necessary so that public officials as well as fair-minded citizens with the audience brought against that gold is also drawn.
Assessments and observations of the Sarikaya made as a result of events that are experienced in the region but the region's political, economic, social, cultural structure was stated to be solved together with the improvement to be.
Sarikaya, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, also for centuries domestic relations in the blending of people great extent Turkey's eastern and southeastern similarity with that move and interact within that expressed are and therefore towards the region will be produced solutions they also be taken into account and, if necessary, four in the country of the Kurds in their status integrated projects may not be possible to cover production think. It may be possible with a state project, stating that Sarikaya "decisions made by the supreme body of the state and long-term strategies that could indicate possible. However, global and other national forces due to different approaches to realize these policies does not seem possible. "He says.
3-JİTEM, the confessor AND PLAY GAMES
Founded in 1990 by Captain Cem Ersever JİTEM and activities are included in the indictment. "Only place in the context of the fight against terrorism should be responsible for displaying and providing information and developing joint operations with such parties. activities in that, as a confessor left the organization of the party fell into the crisis and consequences, economic concerns and life due to fear of these people with public officials for common business interests and the gang set up the state's power to abuse they are specified.
Sarikaya, said Abdulkadir Aygan'ın confessed available when you mention "is unclear that the material interests of these persons or to blackmail and intimidation and illegal actions in the withdrawal is possible."
PKK organization in the goals of the sort that prosecutors in this regard, the capture of Ocalan PKK targets after the "Kurdish cultural identity as the constitutional recognition" has successfully improved the organization's 2003 year in November from the Kurdish problem to solve establish a separate state without the direct democracy is the dominant ecological community be constructed in the direction the report says.
In the indictment prepared with a broad perspective Sarikaya democracy humanity point specified as the end of the evolution of stability in the administration managed by peace, safety and welfare of the observance of democracy and gerektiğinine also draws attention detected. Sarikaya, "Basic concepts and practice problems arising detect the" state "of the device engaged with the management are resolved. However, states generally called abstract concepts visible state to the upper echelons of the lower levels are administrators. To prevent arbitrary practices against the citizens of administrators who need to comply with rules and ethical bases of law within the system has been vazet. However, some officials familiar with the state itself, using the powers and interests, provide opportunities to engage in seeking to be seen in every democratic system. In fact, this type of party ideologies that justify their activities by producing the network. Such structures are usually the product of conflictive period. Look at the history of mankind is already conflicted ideologies emerged in the period is observed. In the dust of the conflict within the meaning of concepts often loses the innocent. Chaos in blood and tears from those in search of personal interest to ensure that arise can be seen. Unfortunately, this opportunistic individuals or organizations with ideological mentality ways to ensure their personal interests have found each semester. This is in fact a policy, hence the whole democratic system is. Again this is effective, hence modern democracy allows the public to opportunistic environmental control system as will be trying to establish. "He says.
Towards the end of the indictment of democracy teaches Sarikaya "Democratic System Device Addressing Bureaucracy Review Rağmen to be?" She asks.
Sarikaya, people in the bureaucracy at the top of some people giving them the authority of the state the right is clearly unable to provide power in the hands and says they are using their own personal interests.
Sarikaya "blood and tears over the policies and interests of producing all the mechanisms to ensure the state's not afraid to use some of the top authorities to come into power in an extremely dangerous situation for the State bekas may occur. Reasonable within the logic of its own ideological reasons, this group already created their own interests for the sake of international markets to focus on power will not hesitate. "He says.
Sarikaya, that some dark forces in the indictment of the media where some people also underlines hero.
Sarikaya, "What really happened and who sounds very out of this group of media affects the public" heroes "as detected when the following is their tetikçilik made a number of people of the State bekas serve düşüncesindedirler.Uluslararası their forces in the country this mentality and the following groups, among contacts that provide The complex maze of thousands of links and liaison mechanism will occur through one of the group to decipher even if the real players is not possible to reveal. The other is driven to the scene immediately. Moreover, the media culture and art from politics to the economy of the entire supporting cast on stage to play its role are waiting. Degradation of the wheel, but this vicious mentality of the game is possible with the termination. Termination of this game is, but to decipher and uncover out and be condemned by the public conscience is possible. "He says.
The security forces in fact, knowingly or unknowingly carry the water mills that some people without power deep into the security forces had brought the game represents. Therefore they are stated to be more careful.
Sarikaya "This harmony between groups and top subordinates in the game that provide the kind of scenario that has an interest in hiding behind the ideology of the express. To end the operation of this mentality, the security forces drive without falling down one by one the members of the group is to wait patiently. Experience has shown that already happened in reality knows very well each other's interests for the sake of these networks into conflict when they are disclosing their secrets easily. "He says.
Prosecutor Sarikaya, has prepared the indictment in the "deep state" or the day of the Ergenekon is underlined. In fact, these structures from time to time in the international deep connections with the power to say they are. TV in the "Valley of the Wolves" series has turned into a film that viewers can see how the scenario ...
Sarikaya "Turkey from the past and a period mentioned much since Susurluk today again with the events on the Semdinli speaking the existence of the secret are discussed. In fact, some comments of this structure III. Since the mechanism within the State from benign activities and that sometimes in the order of the state is in order sometimes, international groups are talking. Their actual owners of the state in they see as the circles as in the past-present-in the interests of reconciliation, in cooperation have become the point. Today, as conflict of interest in the period fell to the different groups with their own unique style and each other some operations performed are believed to have been trying to liquidate. These groups, while others use the rule of others in the bureaucracy is also a democratic mechanism. "Blurbs.
In recent days, the state's politicians, we watch images of demonstrators, senior military commanders speeches, opposition attitude, caused death, destruction and tears, the judicial decisions of the new version of the same film. With the opening of an investigation in another fuzzy Susurluk or exit out of Semdinli do not have to think about the possibility?
This case, as seen in the file that actually sine qua non of democratic expansion that solving the Kurdish problem in Turkey after the curtain of mist on the rise and this problem will be over the political and economic as nema also masks the person is seen to fall.
The case of the country's leading prosecutor Sarikaya Semdinli over again for the solution of karabulut the full time I started to work.
Remember that wolves "fuzzy" I love weather.
In cases of deep and dark power and fuzzy Semdinli activities "democratic opening" in the context would be wise to evaluate.
When we go back to the same games are on display Susurluk, Yuksekova, Semdinli and the Ergenekon gang can see expand. Some of this gang witnesses, defendants and victims were reflected to the public through the media. All of this has been turned into one tome. This is clearly the most gangs in Semdinli had a chance to follow the events of the gang. To the public all the facts in the case Semdinli outspread sheets sheets, deep power of the people caught red-handed. Prime Minister Erdogan "Fly where if it will go up there" he said. Occurring events and related Semdinli on the agenda including claims case was opened by Van Public Prosecutor Ferhat Sarikaya. Van High Criminal Court if the decision ta `March 7 indictment had agreed. This is in accordance with the procedures for preparing the indictment meant. Evidence obtained in consequence of the indictment prepared Prosecutor Sarikaya, former Land Forces Commander Gen. Yasar Buyukanit `s name also was included in the indictment.
The prosecutor's Şemdinli complete about the event in the indictment, the former Land Forces Commander Yasar Buyukanit to blame, had upset the political agenda. Co-Chairman Ahmet Turk DTP then closed, the law regardless of what position in the face of everyone was equally noted. Judges guilty of preparing an indictment should not look at the position told. Semdinli indictment `or` ideological manifesto of the time likened the opposition party, the Motherland Party leader Erkan Mumcu, the indictment of the political and turn into a manifesto was idelojik, prosecutors and his own government through democratic perspective, said it set up. Mumcu Sarikaya's indictment in the Southeast region for the `` said this language, and sympathizers of the PKK is the language of this region in fact, East or Southeast Anatolia region is indicated by this expression of good faith that the prosecutor said.
The indictment, prepared by regional public prosecutor Sarikaya confidence in the justice of the highest level had been removed. However, this will be historic and prosecutors, while in deep shock to the hard rock of the Board of Judges and Prosecutors in the result (HSYK) by the Law on Judges and Prosecutors in the 69th According to the last paragraph of article was expelled from the profession.
Now, we prepared 200-page case file, then I would like to offer a few sections. That day the indictment-prepared-in fact, a road map for democratic opening and the last at the bottom of the events in the process of understanding the reasons are in a position to shed light.
The violence in the region last for years to investigate the truth behind this indictment, the prosecutor's impossible to understand without reading the facts. This indictment of fuzzy events / fail and the power behind the similarity is remarkable.
Events and actors in the region in question of indictment of the role based law violated how, tools and persecution are the eyes reveal.
1 - THE PKK AND ÖCALAN assessments
PKK leader Ocalan has been included in the indictment.
According to court to defend the prosecutor Sarikaya Öcalan to Turkey's EU process emphasis the report says.
"Copenhagen political criteria" in the context of the PKK's claim that re-evaluate Turkey's EU candidacy to be adopted in case of a general amnesty be removed, Ocalan and senior staff's participation in the political life of the provision, by the state of education in Kurdish and Öcalan were applied to isolate the termination of such request that the report says.
In addition, since 2006 with Öcalan'nın objectives, "the Democratic-Building the Ecological Society", the current goals "of Kurdish cultural identity as a constitutional recognition and co-founder of the Republic of the Kurds item to be registered as" point that represents the combined.
Sarikaya, Ocalan's solitary confinement to him on the grounds of applied participate in political activities to the obstacles that you want to remove this purpose, organizations can activate the masses with every excuse to take conflict is necessary so that public officials as well as fair-minded citizens with the audience brought against that gold is also drawn.
Assessments and observations of the Sarikaya made as a result of events that are experienced in the region but the region's political, economic, social, cultural structure was stated to be solved together with the improvement to be.
Sarikaya, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, also for centuries domestic relations in the blending of people great extent Turkey's eastern and southeastern similarity with that move and interact within that expressed are and therefore towards the region will be produced solutions they also be taken into account and, if necessary, four in the country of the Kurds in their status integrated projects may not be possible to cover production think. It may be possible with a state project, stating that Sarikaya "decisions made by the supreme body of the state and long-term strategies that could indicate possible. However, global and other national forces due to different approaches to realize these policies does not seem possible. "He says.
3-JİTEM, the confessor AND PLAY GAMES
Founded in 1990 by Captain Cem Ersever JİTEM and activities are included in the indictment. "Only place in the context of the fight against terrorism should be responsible for displaying and providing information and developing joint operations with such parties. activities in that, as a confessor left the organization of the party fell into the crisis and consequences, economic concerns and life due to fear of these people with public officials for common business interests and the gang set up the state's power to abuse they are specified.
Sarikaya, said Abdulkadir Aygan'ın confessed available when you mention "is unclear that the material interests of these persons or to blackmail and intimidation and illegal actions in the withdrawal is possible."
PKK organization in the goals of the sort that prosecutors in this regard, the capture of Ocalan PKK targets after the "Kurdish cultural identity as the constitutional recognition" has successfully improved the organization's 2003 year in November from the Kurdish problem to solve establish a separate state without the direct democracy is the dominant ecological community be constructed in the direction the report says.
In the indictment prepared with a broad perspective Sarikaya democracy humanity point specified as the end of the evolution of stability in the administration managed by peace, safety and welfare of the observance of democracy and gerektiğinine also draws attention detected. Sarikaya, "Basic concepts and practice problems arising detect the" state "of the device engaged with the management are resolved. However, states generally called abstract concepts visible state to the upper echelons of the lower levels are administrators. To prevent arbitrary practices against the citizens of administrators who need to comply with rules and ethical bases of law within the system has been vazet. However, some officials familiar with the state itself, using the powers and interests, provide opportunities to engage in seeking to be seen in every democratic system. In fact, this type of party ideologies that justify their activities by producing the network. Such structures are usually the product of conflictive period. Look at the history of mankind is already conflicted ideologies emerged in the period is observed. In the dust of the conflict within the meaning of concepts often loses the innocent. Chaos in blood and tears from those in search of personal interest to ensure that arise can be seen. Unfortunately, this opportunistic individuals or organizations with ideological mentality ways to ensure their personal interests have found each semester. This is in fact a policy, hence the whole democratic system is. Again this is effective, hence modern democracy allows the public to opportunistic environmental control system as will be trying to establish. "He says.
Towards the end of the indictment of democracy teaches Sarikaya "Democratic System Device Addressing Bureaucracy Review Rağmen to be?" She asks.
Sarikaya, people in the bureaucracy at the top of some people giving them the authority of the state the right is clearly unable to provide power in the hands and says they are using their own personal interests.
Sarikaya "blood and tears over the policies and interests of producing all the mechanisms to ensure the state's not afraid to use some of the top authorities to come into power in an extremely dangerous situation for the State bekas may occur. Reasonable within the logic of its own ideological reasons, this group already created their own interests for the sake of international markets to focus on power will not hesitate. "He says.
Sarikaya, that some dark forces in the indictment of the media where some people also underlines hero.
Sarikaya, "What really happened and who sounds very out of this group of media affects the public" heroes "as detected when the following is their tetikçilik made a number of people of the State bekas serve düşüncesindedirler.Uluslararası their forces in the country this mentality and the following groups, among contacts that provide The complex maze of thousands of links and liaison mechanism will occur through one of the group to decipher even if the real players is not possible to reveal. The other is driven to the scene immediately. Moreover, the media culture and art from politics to the economy of the entire supporting cast on stage to play its role are waiting. Degradation of the wheel, but this vicious mentality of the game is possible with the termination. Termination of this game is, but to decipher and uncover out and be condemned by the public conscience is possible. "He says.
The security forces in fact, knowingly or unknowingly carry the water mills that some people without power deep into the security forces had brought the game represents. Therefore they are stated to be more careful.
Sarikaya "This harmony between groups and top subordinates in the game that provide the kind of scenario that has an interest in hiding behind the ideology of the express. To end the operation of this mentality, the security forces drive without falling down one by one the members of the group is to wait patiently. Experience has shown that already happened in reality knows very well each other's interests for the sake of these networks into conflict when they are disclosing their secrets easily. "He says.
Prosecutor Sarikaya, has prepared the indictment in the "deep state" or the day of the Ergenekon is underlined. In fact, these structures from time to time in the international deep connections with the power to say they are. TV in the "Valley of the Wolves" series has turned into a film that viewers can see how the scenario ...
Sarikaya "Turkey from the past and a period mentioned much since Susurluk today again with the events on the Semdinli speaking the existence of the secret are discussed. In fact, some comments of this structure III. Since the mechanism within the State from benign activities and that sometimes in the order of the state is in order sometimes, international groups are talking. Their actual owners of the state in they see as the circles as in the past-present-in the interests of reconciliation, in cooperation have become the point. Today, as conflict of interest in the period fell to the different groups with their own unique style and each other some operations performed are believed to have been trying to liquidate. These groups, while others use the rule of others in the bureaucracy is also a democratic mechanism. "Blurbs.
In recent days, the state's politicians, we watch images of demonstrators, senior military commanders speeches, opposition attitude, caused death, destruction and tears, the judicial decisions of the new version of the same film. With the opening of an investigation in another fuzzy Susurluk or exit out of Semdinli do not have to think about the possibility?
This case, as seen in the file that actually sine qua non of democratic expansion that solving the Kurdish problem in Turkey after the curtain of mist on the rise and this problem will be over the political and economic as nema also masks the person is seen to fall.
The case of the country's leading prosecutor Sarikaya Semdinli over again for the solution of karabulut the full time I started to work.
Remember that wolves "fuzzy" I love weather.
In cases of deep and dark power and fuzzy Semdinli activities "democratic opening" in the context would be wise to evaluate.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Suspicious death of 3 siblings in Urfa
Suspicious death of 3 siblings in Urfa
3 days ago in Urfa morning found dead in bed the morning the doctor took 7 years to 5 years Hedal surviving brothers Sait Ece single 1-year-old brother died this morning at Izzet.
Building materials sales which Abdülrezzak Ece, 3 days ago cough, fever and vomiting, such as complaints of children with primary and kindergarten students Sait freshman Hedal private hospital then took Ece. Serum in the hospital attached children, sent by a doctor to prescribe the house. Field of drug Abdülrezzak Ece, returned home with their children. At home by mothers and fathers Zeliha drink drugs are children, was admitted to beds in the room.
Father woke up in the morning Abdülrezzak Ece, patients to check the status of the child enters the room, and Hedal met with Said's lifeless body. Incoming police, written by a doctor to the 2 drugs were seized by his brother. Samples taken from children with suspected flu in pigs post-mortem has been sent to Adana Forensic Medicine Institution. Statements to the police along with his wife Zeliha after the funeral of children, family by the Education and Research Hospital, Urfa to the soil was taken from the morgue.
2 child's death shocked the same night, the only surviving child of the couple yaşanayan Ece, yesterday morning because of high fever was taken to Children's Hospital. Treatment received here this morning against the lives lost in Ece Izzet.
After the death of children is being taken to the intensive care Ece Zeliha mother, three children taken from the blood and tissue samples were sent to Adana Forensic Medicine Institution.
3 days ago in Urfa morning found dead in bed the morning the doctor took 7 years to 5 years Hedal surviving brothers Sait Ece single 1-year-old brother died this morning at Izzet.
Building materials sales which Abdülrezzak Ece, 3 days ago cough, fever and vomiting, such as complaints of children with primary and kindergarten students Sait freshman Hedal private hospital then took Ece. Serum in the hospital attached children, sent by a doctor to prescribe the house. Field of drug Abdülrezzak Ece, returned home with their children. At home by mothers and fathers Zeliha drink drugs are children, was admitted to beds in the room.
Father woke up in the morning Abdülrezzak Ece, patients to check the status of the child enters the room, and Hedal met with Said's lifeless body. Incoming police, written by a doctor to the 2 drugs were seized by his brother. Samples taken from children with suspected flu in pigs post-mortem has been sent to Adana Forensic Medicine Institution. Statements to the police along with his wife Zeliha after the funeral of children, family by the Education and Research Hospital, Urfa to the soil was taken from the morgue.
2 child's death shocked the same night, the only surviving child of the couple yaşanayan Ece, yesterday morning because of high fever was taken to Children's Hospital. Treatment received here this morning against the lives lost in Ece Izzet.
After the death of children is being taken to the intensive care Ece Zeliha mother, three children taken from the blood and tissue samples were sent to Adana Forensic Medicine Institution.
Ceylanpınar Deputy Mayor Ahmet Dagtekin,
Ceylanpınar Deputy Mayor Ahmet Dagtekin, his explanations about the 'Mr. Ocalan' on the grounds that the drop in 2 separate case, was sentenced to one year imprisonment.
Ceylanpınar Deputy Mayor Ahmet about Dagtekin, DTP County of Department that on July 17, 2008 at, 'If Mr. does crime, and I, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, and this I say guilty as myself would notice' campaign within the framework of preparing a petition from the Republic of Ceylanpinar Post Office is being sent to the Prosecutor's Office In his speech 'Mr. Ocalan' on the grounds that the lawsuit has resulted in the drop. Diyarbakır 6 High Criminal Court in the common case, the court gave the delegation Dagtekin to imprisonment for one year.
About Dagtekin DEHAP Urfa province also made the Presidency the period, 25 January 2005, Karakoyun Business Center in front, 'Silopi losses as "known and taken into custody after the news could not be HADEP Chairman Serdar County meet and district manager Ebubekir Sea concerning the fate of the statement in the' Mr. Ocalan in that case also resulted in the drop. Diyarbakır 6 High Criminal Court in this case, the common one-year prison sentence was given to Dagtekin.
The court delegation then go to 10 months imprisonment sentence given a discount at the punishment postponed. The court also Dagtekin delegation about the 'controlled freedom' decision, the Dagtekin's all to be deprived of political rights for a year to the coffeehouse, game halls, bars and pubs in political demonstrations and rallies decided not to participate.
Dagtekin reacted to the decision, the decision was completely political and law consistent with the one hand said that there is no.
Ceylanpınar Deputy Mayor Ahmet about Dagtekin, DTP County of Department that on July 17, 2008 at, 'If Mr. does crime, and I, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, and this I say guilty as myself would notice' campaign within the framework of preparing a petition from the Republic of Ceylanpinar Post Office is being sent to the Prosecutor's Office In his speech 'Mr. Ocalan' on the grounds that the lawsuit has resulted in the drop. Diyarbakır 6 High Criminal Court in the common case, the court gave the delegation Dagtekin to imprisonment for one year.
About Dagtekin DEHAP Urfa province also made the Presidency the period, 25 January 2005, Karakoyun Business Center in front, 'Silopi losses as "known and taken into custody after the news could not be HADEP Chairman Serdar County meet and district manager Ebubekir Sea concerning the fate of the statement in the' Mr. Ocalan in that case also resulted in the drop. Diyarbakır 6 High Criminal Court in this case, the common one-year prison sentence was given to Dagtekin.
The court delegation then go to 10 months imprisonment sentence given a discount at the punishment postponed. The court also Dagtekin delegation about the 'controlled freedom' decision, the Dagtekin's all to be deprived of political rights for a year to the coffeehouse, game halls, bars and pubs in political demonstrations and rallies decided not to participate.
Dagtekin reacted to the decision, the decision was completely political and law consistent with the one hand said that there is no.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
England's speech at the University of London because
England's speech at the University of London because of Suas "making propaganda of terrorist organizations" crime was sentenced to imprisonment from 1 year 3 months closed reasoned decision about DEP former deputy Leyla Zana has been completed.
Diyarbakir 4th High Criminal Court reasoned decision prepared, Zana Abdullah Ocalan was highlighted exaltation.
Leyla Zana in his speech, "the propaganda for the terrorist organization" that have a fixed process the recorded crime reasoned decision, the following expressions were included:
"The accused did not accept the nature of the PKK terrorist organization, terrorist group leaders to accept the qualifications of the terrorists to one side and praised him as a glorified person stated. Expression and style of the defendant is using the international platform in the list of terrorist organizations taken to create public opinion about the PKK to minimize the negative consequences of propaganda and showing the organization's best qualities is on the description. "
Zana, Anti-Terrorism Act 7 / 2. accordance with Article "making propaganda of terrorist organizations" crime was sentenced to 1 year 3 months imprisonment.
Diyarbakir 4th High Criminal Court reasoned decision prepared, Zana Abdullah Ocalan was highlighted exaltation.
Leyla Zana in his speech, "the propaganda for the terrorist organization" that have a fixed process the recorded crime reasoned decision, the following expressions were included:
"The accused did not accept the nature of the PKK terrorist organization, terrorist group leaders to accept the qualifications of the terrorists to one side and praised him as a glorified person stated. Expression and style of the defendant is using the international platform in the list of terrorist organizations taken to create public opinion about the PKK to minimize the negative consequences of propaganda and showing the organization's best qualities is on the description. "
Zana, Anti-Terrorism Act 7 / 2. accordance with Article "making propaganda of terrorist organizations" crime was sentenced to 1 year 3 months imprisonment.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Minister Günay: Environmental stress of uncomfortable
Culture and Tourism Minister Ertugrul Gunay, 'Kurdish expansion' discussion of the tension in the environment is disturbed by specifying, 'and incomprehensible reasons other people do not know the child they lost and they our our citizens. Now get this fight done. People of ethnic origin, political beliefs or their freedom to express religious identity they said.
Restoration work ongoing observations in the Beyazit State Library Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay has answered the questions of press members following their review. Kurdish expansion to answer questions that are addressed in debates relating Minister Gunay, 'No way, our recent efforts in the framework of democratic integration of their feelings in an effort not to offend you. Only more suffering and more people also get to live, our children no longer go back to their homeland from their duties wrapped in the flag and another team home also lost their son due to unknown reasons. Turkey's son angle anywhere people live longer want. We tried to do, is a democratic integration efforts. Turkey, which will parse the new effort, which will drag the fight to keep all of us get from God. We do not have such an intention 'he said.
Turkey's 80 years since the tension of having pointed out that the Günay, this tension, right unfair debate and conflict into a fight, he said. The concept of coexistence in Europe 40 years ago, it has come into question reminds Gunay, 'an outpost of the cold war in that period we have the country we were unable to respond adequately to these needs, but now the cold war is over. Religious, regional and ethnic conflicts are fed by the tension, a number of unfair accusations that the society is right to stress once again, to continue this fight and will try to continue their own rant 'as said. Minister Ertugrul Gunay, a form of unfair means in the media while being stretched, the country's democratic opening another project that the project emphasized. Gunay, 'Turkey 25 years of this fight end, that what we have damaged. Turkey is now in our children's wedding, we send soldiers as festivals. Especially in regions for the purposes of people lose their children if not unnecessary. Although Turkey entered arm in arm, MHP what it loses, it loses what the CHP. But this is stretching the concept of society as a politician I can not understand 'he said.
Restoration work ongoing observations in the Beyazit State Library Culture Minister Ertuğrul Günay has answered the questions of press members following their review. Kurdish expansion to answer questions that are addressed in debates relating Minister Gunay, 'No way, our recent efforts in the framework of democratic integration of their feelings in an effort not to offend you. Only more suffering and more people also get to live, our children no longer go back to their homeland from their duties wrapped in the flag and another team home also lost their son due to unknown reasons. Turkey's son angle anywhere people live longer want. We tried to do, is a democratic integration efforts. Turkey, which will parse the new effort, which will drag the fight to keep all of us get from God. We do not have such an intention 'he said.
Turkey's 80 years since the tension of having pointed out that the Günay, this tension, right unfair debate and conflict into a fight, he said. The concept of coexistence in Europe 40 years ago, it has come into question reminds Gunay, 'an outpost of the cold war in that period we have the country we were unable to respond adequately to these needs, but now the cold war is over. Religious, regional and ethnic conflicts are fed by the tension, a number of unfair accusations that the society is right to stress once again, to continue this fight and will try to continue their own rant 'as said. Minister Ertugrul Gunay, a form of unfair means in the media while being stretched, the country's democratic opening another project that the project emphasized. Gunay, 'Turkey 25 years of this fight end, that what we have damaged. Turkey is now in our children's wedding, we send soldiers as festivals. Especially in regions for the purposes of people lose their children if not unnecessary. Although Turkey entered arm in arm, MHP what it loses, it loses what the CHP. But this is stretching the concept of society as a politician I can not understand 'he said.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sermon, oration, orator, and what person
I told you a bit. Work of this person. Today, let's continue. Topic simple, but it explained! Let us explain.
Is there a standard solution of the Kurdish issue?
For example, boiling in water, 100 degrees'. This for sure. But the Kurdish problem 'is a Kürdoloji + two elective courses - a unitary state x single nation: three grams of powder + drum shade minarets fifty grams = Solution' Is there a formula as a solution?
Of course not. Gunsel that if the government, will be the Interior Minister, to move from door to door, 'how the Kurdish problem can be solved? " I will ask. By asking has, he does not know how to resolve this issue.
Do not know, because the solution to the Kurdish question will be how any physics, chemistry, geometry, history, geography, religion, information, military service is not written in the course book. Mustafa Kemal's formula in the book, the solution is Nutuk, Celal Bayar's' I was writing 'in the book, too ... Qur'an, the Ahd-i
Atik'de also Aht-i on a formula that no Cedid'de.
No, because the Kurds know this formula alone.
Why? Because the Kurdish problem, water, stone is not a problem, people problem. 'Water', but what about you, 100 degrees, the boiling show. 'Stone' to brag about, but you, 'I'm fly I fall in can not.
But the Kurds' water ', not' stone 'is not.
You want it so that the Kurdish problem was solved with certain formula, if the Kurds' yes were resolved well in does not solve the problem.
Be resolved, since the Republic was founded, our experiments must be learned.
Kürd'e you 're saying,' Are you Kurt Cards'. Kurds' I installed the card, it is true that in verse problem is solved. But you do not. Did not also be solved. Is starting to revolt.
Did not see it, 'you people, you go tell the mountain air at the beginning of the long Kurdish' you say, all the Kurds in unison 'We all İbrahim Tatlıses' diyerek hands at their ears and start saying they türkü kurdish and taking halay, the problem will be solved. Gelgelelim not. The mountain is out though Kurds, Kurdish, instead of long air other uzun'ları is talking. The problem still is not resolved.
You say that, 'since you do not play yourself and Kurdish play, I give you a TRT sound, the track good, and good family, have fun'. Kurds' Allah give zeval our state, you give us over our eyes It's the Art Sound we also will look. Is not. Kurdish television is turning the ear, face Ask Sele. Mervan'la Cahit begins to talk.
But what? How to be the right solution? This' persistent 'how to persuade the Kurds?
This is a single procedure, the method, the method is available. The problem with going to talk to the Kurds. I will appeal. You will know what the target audience contact. 'Your problem, or if this solution solves, or Russia to the Kurdi says, will be negotiated, let sit for a consultation. You are a going to tell, to tell the Kurds two. Will give you three, then face to ask.
'Do you negotiate that? " so, life in constant negotiation with the political history of the animal market, politicians, and through-the right to appeal to appear. Be. That is not bargain. This is not a cattle market. This negotiation, where negotiation of the policy occurs. For example, states' I'm a unitary and a unitary debate 's said. Kurds' my eyes on my head 'he says and does not discuss the relevance of the state unitary. Get you a step. Then comes the issue of autonomy of local governments. You are in a gram of autonomy, the Kurds want autonomy is a ton. Here ', which negotiated. Did you meet at a point acceptable to cure the condition. Why? Did not accept a point Kür Republic since you insist on the Kurdish question did plague him. Discussed with the Kurds. To persuade him. '559 Gram formula weight of eighteen, twenty-micro gram Özek is' not a formula. The formula is this: no matter how many grams of autonomy, as long as they accept an autonomy of self-determination did Kür it. This solution.
Language on such constitutional issues in the way identity. Solutions were Kür volunteer in Kabul. Kurds are also 'nato kafa nato marble not. You, like me makuliyet have produced a mind. I approached him to talk, he approached you to see it. If so, did you contact the Kür is in itself. Identity, language, self-government in 'I have a problem in the Kurds' is my representative, it is my will also is the party and leadership.
This job is like that: 'I get the person you talk to find the value of' Did you say, this is to declare war on Kür.
Forced beauty, not the solution to tyranny! Vesselam.
Is there a standard solution of the Kurdish issue?
For example, boiling in water, 100 degrees'. This for sure. But the Kurdish problem 'is a Kürdoloji + two elective courses - a unitary state x single nation: three grams of powder + drum shade minarets fifty grams = Solution' Is there a formula as a solution?
Of course not. Gunsel that if the government, will be the Interior Minister, to move from door to door, 'how the Kurdish problem can be solved? " I will ask. By asking has, he does not know how to resolve this issue.
Do not know, because the solution to the Kurdish question will be how any physics, chemistry, geometry, history, geography, religion, information, military service is not written in the course book. Mustafa Kemal's formula in the book, the solution is Nutuk, Celal Bayar's' I was writing 'in the book, too ... Qur'an, the Ahd-i
Atik'de also Aht-i on a formula that no Cedid'de.
No, because the Kurds know this formula alone.
Why? Because the Kurdish problem, water, stone is not a problem, people problem. 'Water', but what about you, 100 degrees, the boiling show. 'Stone' to brag about, but you, 'I'm fly I fall in can not.
But the Kurds' water ', not' stone 'is not.
You want it so that the Kurdish problem was solved with certain formula, if the Kurds' yes were resolved well in does not solve the problem.
Be resolved, since the Republic was founded, our experiments must be learned.
Kürd'e you 're saying,' Are you Kurt Cards'. Kurds' I installed the card, it is true that in verse problem is solved. But you do not. Did not also be solved. Is starting to revolt.
Did not see it, 'you people, you go tell the mountain air at the beginning of the long Kurdish' you say, all the Kurds in unison 'We all İbrahim Tatlıses' diyerek hands at their ears and start saying they türkü kurdish and taking halay, the problem will be solved. Gelgelelim not. The mountain is out though Kurds, Kurdish, instead of long air other uzun'ları is talking. The problem still is not resolved.
You say that, 'since you do not play yourself and Kurdish play, I give you a TRT sound, the track good, and good family, have fun'. Kurds' Allah give zeval our state, you give us over our eyes It's the Art Sound we also will look. Is not. Kurdish television is turning the ear, face Ask Sele. Mervan'la Cahit begins to talk.
But what? How to be the right solution? This' persistent 'how to persuade the Kurds?
This is a single procedure, the method, the method is available. The problem with going to talk to the Kurds. I will appeal. You will know what the target audience contact. 'Your problem, or if this solution solves, or Russia to the Kurdi says, will be negotiated, let sit for a consultation. You are a going to tell, to tell the Kurds two. Will give you three, then face to ask.
'Do you negotiate that? " so, life in constant negotiation with the political history of the animal market, politicians, and through-the right to appeal to appear. Be. That is not bargain. This is not a cattle market. This negotiation, where negotiation of the policy occurs. For example, states' I'm a unitary and a unitary debate 's said. Kurds' my eyes on my head 'he says and does not discuss the relevance of the state unitary. Get you a step. Then comes the issue of autonomy of local governments. You are in a gram of autonomy, the Kurds want autonomy is a ton. Here ', which negotiated. Did you meet at a point acceptable to cure the condition. Why? Did not accept a point Kür Republic since you insist on the Kurdish question did plague him. Discussed with the Kurds. To persuade him. '559 Gram formula weight of eighteen, twenty-micro gram Özek is' not a formula. The formula is this: no matter how many grams of autonomy, as long as they accept an autonomy of self-determination did Kür it. This solution.
Language on such constitutional issues in the way identity. Solutions were Kür volunteer in Kabul. Kurds are also 'nato kafa nato marble not. You, like me makuliyet have produced a mind. I approached him to talk, he approached you to see it. If so, did you contact the Kür is in itself. Identity, language, self-government in 'I have a problem in the Kurds' is my representative, it is my will also is the party and leadership.
This job is like that: 'I get the person you talk to find the value of' Did you say, this is to declare war on Kür.
Forced beauty, not the solution to tyranny! Vesselam.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Municipality from an 'Meeting Halkla' events
Van City with the Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM) the month of Ramadan so Hacıbekir (Xaçort) held in the neighborhood 'public meeting' event speaking of Van Mayor Bekir Kaya, Kurds expansions about the steps taken are not sufficient to say, in the solution of the problem of the Kurds and representatives of contact should be reported.
Van Council and Mesopotamia in the month of Ramadan vesile Culture Center (MKM) in collaboration with Van neighborhood of 5 'public meeting' events will be organized under the name. The first evening of the event yesterday Hacıbekir (Xaçort) neighborhood was near the Dumlupınar Primary İlkoloku. Hundreds of people participated in the event, KÇK with the Kurds and Kurdistan Flag of the People's leader Abdullah Öcalan's flag at the opening of the event 'to Öcalan Freedom', 'Peace İmralı'da the sun rise', 'Van the people have the freedom to go to sleep', 'Biji Apo andreitalujan' the slogan is discarded. The event started with a talk show Sinevizyon Van Mayor Bekir Kaya, Ramazan will organize under the Van's 5 different neighborhoods to serve the public purpose of efficient söyledi.
'The steps Atıl alone is not enough'
Public services for the express understanding that adopted Kaya, asked the public to support them. Kürtlerin unity and sense of togetherness in the fight today, I mentioned that the rock, more of a barber, to strengthen the freedom and specified to meet the 'soldiers, the government and the opposition now in the process directly or indirectly some steps and develop tell why the struggle of the Kurds power forward is coming. However, the real demands of the Kurds will make enough money not the future. Turkey's Kurdish problem is not with the integrity of the resolution see approach. Something about not recognizing the Kurds is doing now with the Kurds, but we do not yet said. The steps taken to solve the Kurdish problem is not enough by itself to express Kaya said: 'According to the solution of the problem in its own Kurds know but do not recognize the parties, the parties recognize, but leaders do not recognize, do not recognize the warriors approach is wrong. The Kurds will be successful when the target is high.
But then the leader Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK Kurdish people in the true meaning the person will be respected. To differentiate between people with DTP staff have created. People believe that it will not allow. "
Kaya's speech after the preparation of MKM Group Folklor done halay impressions. Dengbej ongoing activities in listening, Avşin Hatice MKM'li artists, Hazal Yellow, Hüseyin Alpdoğan, Dilçivan Sinan, Sedat Demir, Nihat Elkin and with a concert given by Cesim Bawer ended.
Van Council and Mesopotamia in the month of Ramadan vesile Culture Center (MKM) in collaboration with Van neighborhood of 5 'public meeting' events will be organized under the name. The first evening of the event yesterday Hacıbekir (Xaçort) neighborhood was near the Dumlupınar Primary İlkoloku. Hundreds of people participated in the event, KÇK with the Kurds and Kurdistan Flag of the People's leader Abdullah Öcalan's flag at the opening of the event 'to Öcalan Freedom', 'Peace İmralı'da the sun rise', 'Van the people have the freedom to go to sleep', 'Biji Apo andreitalujan' the slogan is discarded. The event started with a talk show Sinevizyon Van Mayor Bekir Kaya, Ramazan will organize under the Van's 5 different neighborhoods to serve the public purpose of efficient söyledi.
'The steps Atıl alone is not enough'
Public services for the express understanding that adopted Kaya, asked the public to support them. Kürtlerin unity and sense of togetherness in the fight today, I mentioned that the rock, more of a barber, to strengthen the freedom and specified to meet the 'soldiers, the government and the opposition now in the process directly or indirectly some steps and develop tell why the struggle of the Kurds power forward is coming. However, the real demands of the Kurds will make enough money not the future. Turkey's Kurdish problem is not with the integrity of the resolution see approach. Something about not recognizing the Kurds is doing now with the Kurds, but we do not yet said. The steps taken to solve the Kurdish problem is not enough by itself to express Kaya said: 'According to the solution of the problem in its own Kurds know but do not recognize the parties, the parties recognize, but leaders do not recognize, do not recognize the warriors approach is wrong. The Kurds will be successful when the target is high.
But then the leader Abdullah Öcalan and the PKK Kurdish people in the true meaning the person will be respected. To differentiate between people with DTP staff have created. People believe that it will not allow. "
Kaya's speech after the preparation of MKM Group Folklor done halay impressions. Dengbej ongoing activities in listening, Avşin Hatice MKM'li artists, Hazal Yellow, Hüseyin Alpdoğan, Dilçivan Sinan, Sedat Demir, Nihat Elkin and with a concert given by Cesim Bawer ended.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Humor magazines' expansions of the Kurds'
AKP 'expansions of the Kurds from Avşar Hülya Yaşar Kemal, T from the comments sections of her boss, while Turkey's popular humor magazine in the issue this week to take on the Kurdish issue was discussed in an irony. Gırgır Journal of the AKP 'expansions of the Kurds' we, the Kurds on the other hand, the master of music Aram Tigran Armenian artists brought to Diyarbakir for the funeral of the permit does not' dressing room 'and caricature, while the magazine Penguen and sleepless, in Diyarbakir Kurdish knows news of the police assigned to a language mizahi still criticized.
AKP 'expansions of the Kurds' author of intellectuals in Turkey, from politicians to T, as will be discussed by all sectors dursun,' Kurds and this is not sincere about opening one's will is not gonna be? " questions are still waiting for answers. Hülya Avşar from labor unions to Yasar Kemal everyone from the boss to discuss opening the Kurds, Turkey's popular humor magazine in the issue. Criticism of the nature of the comic should be subject to opening up to the Kurds in the Kurdish region will be assigned to cover issues of knowledge was the police. Penguen Dergisi issue, 'to make reinforcement to Diyarbakir Kurdish police knows! " when given with the title in the region 'torture', 'non-judicial execution' and allegations of arbitrary applications with the agenda of the Kurdish police what might work is criticized in a language irony. In the cover cartoon, a police officer to the supervisor, 'Hands up, surrender and stop Kurdish vururum'un know komserim ...' commissioner to answer the 'know much ..' answer is revealed in view of the Kurdish language.
Police 'sleepless' answer
Journal of unsleeping like penguins, and the Kurds to take up the topic again, Kurdish police knows, did cover the subject. 'Kurdish Diyarbakir Security Directorate police task will bilen ..' In the cartoon with the title assigned to the police and Kurdish knows how a dialogue between police and citizens can create is also examined in a language mizahi.
Similarly, the Kurdish language DTP'li efforts of municipalities and the yellow, red, green-colored flowers for the report, even in the Diyarbakir police link with the citizens of the Kurdi and comments would be different from the past is being made and sent to the assimilation policy is made. In the cartoon cover, hard-faced police officer holding the sides of the citizens, 'I said "you speak Kurdish, Kurdish Kurdish speaking ....' mixed with the fear of reprimand as to the citizens money, 'Your brother is easy to talk to one .. This difficult language .. Remember, even fifty years is ... ' I answer.
In a game of hitting the mark
Kurds in the most gingerly approaching the opening was Gırgır magazine. In the opinion of the AKP as insincere Gırgır magazine, the doyen of Kurdish music of Aram Tigran funeral has referred to refused to be brought to Diyarbakir. 'Content does not know anyone's' opening is a matter of the Kurds' agenda and obfuscate the' very friendly 'AKP government, who lost their lives in Athens Kurdish music master Aram Tigran Armenian artist is buried in Diyarbakir denied the request ....' cover the issue of interpretation of the cartoons in the makeup room Gırgır yapan Kürt makeup consultant with Tayyip Erdogan gave the diyaloguna place. Make-up room where agreed with the consultant discomposure, 'Efe am an Armenian citizen of Kurdish music artist died .. Have requested to be buried in the Diyarbakir will .. Naapalım? ' When asked in this order to establish working makyajla thick eyebrows, and neck and head of Prime Minister Erdogan puşi appear in Asan, the 'Aha questions also came from I do not work ..' the idea was given.
To Erdoğan 'Gırgır' warning
Journal of the AKP in the opening game of the Kurds' s make-up 'as a basis for criticism within the pages of the' let's you believe what Tayyip Erdogan? " with the article title and wanted to strengthen. Erdoğan's Kurdish problem to that on offer in various dates in Gırgır, conflicting descriptions given by Erdogan's promise left to the reader. Some words of Erdoğan's snoring is compiled as follows:'24 December 2002: (in Russia trip) is not the Kurdish question in Turkey. I believe there are problems going to be problems, no der you eliminated the problem. Not such a problem for us. 12 August 2005 (Diyarbakir): What about the Kurdish issue? also those who say that, my question is before anyone else. 3 September 2005 (when Napoli'ye): The Kurds are our citizens' are not the Kurds, the Turks make dayatma wrong. 6 December 2005 (New Zealand): We are connected with the ethnic elements bond religion. Issue of citizens of Kurdish origin in Turkey, Turkish citizens is the origin. November 2008: We have top credentials. Republic of Turkey citizenship. Off when we say something, said one nation, one flag said, one citizen said, the only state said. They do not like it then you are welcome to go wherever you like. Finally in August 2009: Zap the water to gush like, want to collect Munzur'da snowdrops now ... Do not overshadow the other hand! "
Leman Nihat'lı cartoons mixed in
Nihat Genç as' left 'nationalism' and worse to the point of increase in the Leman magazine cover was from the place. 'Boot finds ways' title and examine the subject of the cartoons in Leman magazine Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in prison İmralı prepared road map to the Minister Erdoğan and President Abdullah Gul Atalay's curiosity and explore the' Give bakiim it!. . ',' Give me a page ',' Is Federation? " lines such as the MHP has expressed criticism. But Democrats also where cartoonists in Leman Tolga Tuncay's drawn in the cartoon, but not to the Kurdish question of knowledge by the police, tortured in a suspension were Kür, 'Ez be gune me (my Günahsızlar) some police about' what do you nee Lan? No anlamıyom something ... ' When answered, the police entered the community 'like you captured my friend .. I would take over as the staff knows the Kurdish question in changing the mentality of the Kurdish police then draws attention to the unimportance of knowing.

Leman, President Gül also start with the 'Norse' discussions also addressed by Turkey since 1940 in 28 thousand residential name have been changed by touch, however, the village name on the reciprocal of the wheel of fortune me standing in front of bureaucrats suited to the Kurdish villagers' Rotate the wheel Let the fate ... / 'diyerek about how to become the new attention is drawn out.
Hikmet ERDEN
AKP 'expansions of the Kurds' author of intellectuals in Turkey, from politicians to T, as will be discussed by all sectors dursun,' Kurds and this is not sincere about opening one's will is not gonna be? " questions are still waiting for answers. Hülya Avşar from labor unions to Yasar Kemal everyone from the boss to discuss opening the Kurds, Turkey's popular humor magazine in the issue. Criticism of the nature of the comic should be subject to opening up to the Kurds in the Kurdish region will be assigned to cover issues of knowledge was the police. Penguen Dergisi issue, 'to make reinforcement to Diyarbakir Kurdish police knows! " when given with the title in the region 'torture', 'non-judicial execution' and allegations of arbitrary applications with the agenda of the Kurdish police what might work is criticized in a language irony. In the cover cartoon, a police officer to the supervisor, 'Hands up, surrender and stop Kurdish vururum'un know komserim ...' commissioner to answer the 'know much ..' answer is revealed in view of the Kurdish language.
Police 'sleepless' answer
Journal of unsleeping like penguins, and the Kurds to take up the topic again, Kurdish police knows, did cover the subject. 'Kurdish Diyarbakir Security Directorate police task will bilen ..' In the cartoon with the title assigned to the police and Kurdish knows how a dialogue between police and citizens can create is also examined in a language mizahi.
Similarly, the Kurdish language DTP'li efforts of municipalities and the yellow, red, green-colored flowers for the report, even in the Diyarbakir police link with the citizens of the Kurdi and comments would be different from the past is being made and sent to the assimilation policy is made. In the cartoon cover, hard-faced police officer holding the sides of the citizens, 'I said "you speak Kurdish, Kurdish Kurdish speaking ....' mixed with the fear of reprimand as to the citizens money, 'Your brother is easy to talk to one .. This difficult language .. Remember, even fifty years is ... ' I answer.
In a game of hitting the mark
Kurds in the most gingerly approaching the opening was Gırgır magazine. In the opinion of the AKP as insincere Gırgır magazine, the doyen of Kurdish music of Aram Tigran funeral has referred to refused to be brought to Diyarbakir. 'Content does not know anyone's' opening is a matter of the Kurds' agenda and obfuscate the' very friendly 'AKP government, who lost their lives in Athens Kurdish music master Aram Tigran Armenian artist is buried in Diyarbakir denied the request ....' cover the issue of interpretation of the cartoons in the makeup room Gırgır yapan Kürt makeup consultant with Tayyip Erdogan gave the diyaloguna place. Make-up room where agreed with the consultant discomposure, 'Efe am an Armenian citizen of Kurdish music artist died .. Have requested to be buried in the Diyarbakir will .. Naapalım? ' When asked in this order to establish working makyajla thick eyebrows, and neck and head of Prime Minister Erdogan puşi appear in Asan, the 'Aha questions also came from I do not work ..' the idea was given.
To Erdoğan 'Gırgır' warning
Journal of the AKP in the opening game of the Kurds' s make-up 'as a basis for criticism within the pages of the' let's you believe what Tayyip Erdogan? " with the article title and wanted to strengthen. Erdoğan's Kurdish problem to that on offer in various dates in Gırgır, conflicting descriptions given by Erdogan's promise left to the reader. Some words of Erdoğan's snoring is compiled as follows:'24 December 2002: (in Russia trip) is not the Kurdish question in Turkey. I believe there are problems going to be problems, no der you eliminated the problem. Not such a problem for us. 12 August 2005 (Diyarbakir): What about the Kurdish issue? also those who say that, my question is before anyone else. 3 September 2005 (when Napoli'ye): The Kurds are our citizens' are not the Kurds, the Turks make dayatma wrong. 6 December 2005 (New Zealand): We are connected with the ethnic elements bond religion. Issue of citizens of Kurdish origin in Turkey, Turkish citizens is the origin. November 2008: We have top credentials. Republic of Turkey citizenship. Off when we say something, said one nation, one flag said, one citizen said, the only state said. They do not like it then you are welcome to go wherever you like. Finally in August 2009: Zap the water to gush like, want to collect Munzur'da snowdrops now ... Do not overshadow the other hand! "
Leman Nihat'lı cartoons mixed in
Nihat Genç as' left 'nationalism' and worse to the point of increase in the Leman magazine cover was from the place. 'Boot finds ways' title and examine the subject of the cartoons in Leman magazine Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in prison İmralı prepared road map to the Minister Erdoğan and President Abdullah Gul Atalay's curiosity and explore the' Give bakiim it!. . ',' Give me a page ',' Is Federation? " lines such as the MHP has expressed criticism. But Democrats also where cartoonists in Leman Tolga Tuncay's drawn in the cartoon, but not to the Kurdish question of knowledge by the police, tortured in a suspension were Kür, 'Ez be gune me (my Günahsızlar) some police about' what do you nee Lan? No anlamıyom something ... ' When answered, the police entered the community 'like you captured my friend .. I would take over as the staff knows the Kurdish question in changing the mentality of the Kurdish police then draws attention to the unimportance of knowing.
Leman, President Gül also start with the 'Norse' discussions also addressed by Turkey since 1940 in 28 thousand residential name have been changed by touch, however, the village name on the reciprocal of the wheel of fortune me standing in front of bureaucrats suited to the Kurdish villagers' Rotate the wheel Let the fate ... / 'diyerek about how to become the new attention is drawn out.
Hikmet ERDEN
Monday, August 17, 2009
Prime Minister's Brotherhood Manifesto
Subject to a valuable Abdulmelik Euphrates uncle would like to begin alintıyla. "Ottoman Empire is defeated, the United Kingdom agreed with the Young Turks party, the country gave them. ... So I would set up again when the Kurds had readers in Europe. I mean ... them with the Young Kurds, Kurds in the Ottoman Empire soldiers and civilian bureaucrats, leading sheikh of the network and the guys, "together with the Turks, we'll live, but I rule the state" said. This agreement, which most notably Mustafa Kemal. Kürtlerin leading families at home to write his letters there. It is the greatest document of the Mustafa Kemal in 1919 ` The Declaration of Amasya. there says, "Install the Turkish government and Kurdish alliance, we will be." middle so real! Mustafa Kemal, in Erzurum, Sivas `ta always,` This is going to do with the Kurds `he said. İsmet Paşa in Lausanne, Kurdish issue is talking, `We're together, I was Kür` he said. Then what happens? First Assembly is abolished, Atatürk Second Assembly `i is appointed.` in the constitution of the Second Assembly is preparing, but I do not know the word for the Kurds. "
In short, the 1919 words are not the Kurds. Rebellion against the political soul of the defense of denial is. We review the recent history of the original starting point is the question of the Kurds. Now, the inflation and unemployment from the Kurdish problem is more serious and important. Kurdish problem in the country today has become a political crisis. So far the main cause solve the Kurdish problem, Turkey's democratic maturity that will resolve that stems from not getting access. For the brotherhood of peoples and states to resolve this problem ğerekiyor Bekas, because the Kurdish problem to determine the future of the state is a deadly problem.
The AKP government's' efforts in the opening of the Kurds
Questions for the resolution of political steps need to be brave. Therefore, truth Kurds, Kurdish identity and language were rapidly adopted, should be given political rights to Kurds. This situation opens the horizons to democracy in Turkey. Prime Minister wants to resolve this issue in the brotherhood of the people, to ensure democracy is open to the horizons. Already a great way to be the state, to resolve this matter, the Kurds in Turkey Republic `s` is one of the founding elements of the Constitution passed in Kabul.
In this context, the AKP government's' work for the Kurds in the opening, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, the speech of 11 August 2009 with a value date won. Indeed, their very friendly and appears to be on a permanent search for solutions. They were talking about the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood. They say true, because if you look at where the Kurds see it is a matter, a matter of at least 85 years. Therefore, the first time until today, a ruling party 1923'den, chair of accounts, the country's most critical problems to find solutions to issues that the Kurds have been plastered arms. The risk of the Government exhibit political behavior that has come with the direction of-history is not similar to any of power.
Changing the names of villages and settlement date is a problem and a deep wound. Up to 28 thousand in 2000, Turkey 1923'den changed the name. This name change is one of the places Norsk. Prime Minister Erdogan "Democratic Boot" showing a great response to the MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli yesterday AKP Chairman of Provincial Court in his speech at the meeting by calling, "Norse word wrap yourself in the language of Turkey would also be an injustice. Alparslan, Malazgirt word did not touch. You from Alparslan Do you do more nationalistic? Rahmetli did not touch the word of Bursa Orhan Gazi. Orhan Gazi nationalistic than you are? Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara did not touch the word. Ankira'dan Latin comes Ankara. Gazi Mustafa Kemal is more nationalistic than you are? " I asked. These are the right questions.
Need to know these people are fighting for years. United Nations Development Program, Mesopotamia's' Red Tilki'sine, (Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanicum) say? Norse name rename resentful of Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanicum, as a matter of sound mind in evaluating selim and democratic government is supposed to help because I believe acılımlardan. Otherwise, the Soviet Union, from the country's per ğelebilir per yogoslavyanın. My Government's policy in the country in mourning all of us is to provide fraternal cohabitation. Of course, the Kurds and Turks, many sacrifices that we are fallen, the victory must serhaşı olmamaız.
Mr Erdogan's government to resolve the problem facing the Kurds in the applause and support expansions. It is true, the Kurds are the country's paid the cost of every inch of soil. Mustafa Kemal with the alliance if the Kurdish people could not build this country was making. The purpose of the Kurds is not to divide this country. In a common struggle of the Kurdish homeland is to live freely and fraternal. Therefore, a brother of the Kurds as a nation, according to universal rules and models out to the scene of history in our era is now indisputable.
In short, the 1919 words are not the Kurds. Rebellion against the political soul of the defense of denial is. We review the recent history of the original starting point is the question of the Kurds. Now, the inflation and unemployment from the Kurdish problem is more serious and important. Kurdish problem in the country today has become a political crisis. So far the main cause solve the Kurdish problem, Turkey's democratic maturity that will resolve that stems from not getting access. For the brotherhood of peoples and states to resolve this problem ğerekiyor Bekas, because the Kurdish problem to determine the future of the state is a deadly problem.
The AKP government's' efforts in the opening of the Kurds
Questions for the resolution of political steps need to be brave. Therefore, truth Kurds, Kurdish identity and language were rapidly adopted, should be given political rights to Kurds. This situation opens the horizons to democracy in Turkey. Prime Minister wants to resolve this issue in the brotherhood of the people, to ensure democracy is open to the horizons. Already a great way to be the state, to resolve this matter, the Kurds in Turkey Republic `s` is one of the founding elements of the Constitution passed in Kabul.
In this context, the AKP government's' work for the Kurds in the opening, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, the speech of 11 August 2009 with a value date won. Indeed, their very friendly and appears to be on a permanent search for solutions. They were talking about the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood. They say true, because if you look at where the Kurds see it is a matter, a matter of at least 85 years. Therefore, the first time until today, a ruling party 1923'den, chair of accounts, the country's most critical problems to find solutions to issues that the Kurds have been plastered arms. The risk of the Government exhibit political behavior that has come with the direction of-history is not similar to any of power.
Changing the names of villages and settlement date is a problem and a deep wound. Up to 28 thousand in 2000, Turkey 1923'den changed the name. This name change is one of the places Norsk. Prime Minister Erdogan "Democratic Boot" showing a great response to the MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli yesterday AKP Chairman of Provincial Court in his speech at the meeting by calling, "Norse word wrap yourself in the language of Turkey would also be an injustice. Alparslan, Malazgirt word did not touch. You from Alparslan Do you do more nationalistic? Rahmetli did not touch the word of Bursa Orhan Gazi. Orhan Gazi nationalistic than you are? Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara did not touch the word. Ankira'dan Latin comes Ankara. Gazi Mustafa Kemal is more nationalistic than you are? " I asked. These are the right questions.
Need to know these people are fighting for years. United Nations Development Program, Mesopotamia's' Red Tilki'sine, (Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanicum) say? Norse name rename resentful of Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanicum, as a matter of sound mind in evaluating selim and democratic government is supposed to help because I believe acılımlardan. Otherwise, the Soviet Union, from the country's per ğelebilir per yogoslavyanın. My Government's policy in the country in mourning all of us is to provide fraternal cohabitation. Of course, the Kurds and Turks, many sacrifices that we are fallen, the victory must serhaşı olmamaız.
Mr Erdogan's government to resolve the problem facing the Kurds in the applause and support expansions. It is true, the Kurds are the country's paid the cost of every inch of soil. Mustafa Kemal with the alliance if the Kurdish people could not build this country was making. The purpose of the Kurds is not to divide this country. In a common struggle of the Kurdish homeland is to live freely and fraternal. Therefore, a brother of the Kurds as a nation, according to universal rules and models out to the scene of history in our era is now indisputable.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Çiçek: We will listen
Make a statement after the Council of Ministers meeting of the State Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek, Turkey's Kurdish problem, the problem is stated, 'That's our problem we will solve. We will listen to everyone. These efforts of love, peace, brotherhood will be built on the ground 'he said.
Council of Ministers meeting ended. Make a statement after meeting the Cemil Çiçek, the Kurds in the opening, the National Security Council (NSC) members and ministers, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency did in the two meetings, before the Minister of Home Affairs with the participation of Beşir Atalay other meetings to do, he said. Issues related to the political parties today the appointment of the claim stating that the flowers, 'we want to do what these efforts mean that their opinions face to face, and if the infusion and determined to contribute as long as the contribution of everyone to receive an intense week, will enter. In the Assembly, as long as all the non-participation, ideas, opinion and whatever concerns and we are ready to listen to calm fears without injecting said.
'We will solve our problem, we'
Working on the issue is Turkey's problem with saving the flowers, 'we're working on is about Turkey's problems, Turkey has to solve this problem. Turkey does not resolve this issue, others are mixing their own account. We will solve our problems for us that we together will solve. If you have to say about this matter with all of us, to listen to them with respect and we try to exploit them, as will the maximum. " I was talking.
'This country's problems, the solution will be found in democracy, while at the flowers, said:' Already the effort is essentially a democratic opening. Second, these efforts, the efforts of love, peace, brotherhood and the floor will be constructed through which this is true. Until now, are already implementing projects that brotherhood. Third, Turkey is a unitary state. These solutions will be found within a unitary state. "
'We will listen to everyone'
Contribution on the subject who is available, without the daily politics compilation tools, highlighting that an effort to listen to the flowers, political parties, civil society organizations, professional chambers and word on the subject, everyone who will listen to the recorded.
Press notices
Speaking at the media institutions of representative stimuli Flower, 'We as the responsibility falls to you the responsibility is falling. The framework sets out the issues in this framework should be expressed. The government is to be done to atfen this business in front of those issues we need to confirm. As long as this will damage the outside 'as it had not.
Know how important the discussion of the subject expressed in the flowers, reasonable, legitimate grounds for the assessment process to make decisions in terms of issues, they work as fast and made everyone want to get the idea. Çiçek, Interior Minister of the opposition parties to accept the appointment of Beşir Atalay directly face to face in case they can give information, they want to hear criticism and concern has made the first mouth.
Turkey's agenda for the emergence of the subject from their efforts to express that the Flower Show, 'We're playing everybody in the door. Turkey is a matter of. AKP is not a stand-alone issues. 100-year history as a subject. 100-year history as a subject in two days in a day could solve in three days would have immediately said.
Council of Ministers meeting ended. Make a statement after meeting the Cemil Çiçek, the Kurds in the opening, the National Security Council (NSC) members and ministers, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency did in the two meetings, before the Minister of Home Affairs with the participation of Beşir Atalay other meetings to do, he said. Issues related to the political parties today the appointment of the claim stating that the flowers, 'we want to do what these efforts mean that their opinions face to face, and if the infusion and determined to contribute as long as the contribution of everyone to receive an intense week, will enter. In the Assembly, as long as all the non-participation, ideas, opinion and whatever concerns and we are ready to listen to calm fears without injecting said.
'We will solve our problem, we'
Working on the issue is Turkey's problem with saving the flowers, 'we're working on is about Turkey's problems, Turkey has to solve this problem. Turkey does not resolve this issue, others are mixing their own account. We will solve our problems for us that we together will solve. If you have to say about this matter with all of us, to listen to them with respect and we try to exploit them, as will the maximum. " I was talking.
'This country's problems, the solution will be found in democracy, while at the flowers, said:' Already the effort is essentially a democratic opening. Second, these efforts, the efforts of love, peace, brotherhood and the floor will be constructed through which this is true. Until now, are already implementing projects that brotherhood. Third, Turkey is a unitary state. These solutions will be found within a unitary state. "
'We will listen to everyone'
Contribution on the subject who is available, without the daily politics compilation tools, highlighting that an effort to listen to the flowers, political parties, civil society organizations, professional chambers and word on the subject, everyone who will listen to the recorded.
Press notices
Speaking at the media institutions of representative stimuli Flower, 'We as the responsibility falls to you the responsibility is falling. The framework sets out the issues in this framework should be expressed. The government is to be done to atfen this business in front of those issues we need to confirm. As long as this will damage the outside 'as it had not.
Know how important the discussion of the subject expressed in the flowers, reasonable, legitimate grounds for the assessment process to make decisions in terms of issues, they work as fast and made everyone want to get the idea. Çiçek, Interior Minister of the opposition parties to accept the appointment of Beşir Atalay directly face to face in case they can give information, they want to hear criticism and concern has made the first mouth.
Turkey's agenda for the emergence of the subject from their efforts to express that the Flower Show, 'We're playing everybody in the door. Turkey is a matter of. AKP is not a stand-alone issues. 100-year history as a subject. 100-year history as a subject in two days in a day could solve in three days would have immediately said.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Diyarbakir's Kulp (Pasur) in the rural town in August 9 by TSK
Diyarbakir's Kulp (Pasur) in the rural town in August 9 by TSK launched in combat operations, resulting in loss of life of the HPG guerrillas Homeland Ekmen'ın (Welat) funeral with the participation of hundreds of people's Salkım with Handles (fırqé) was given for the land in the village.
Handles County on August 9 in the rural areas initiated by TSK operations as a result of the conflict who lost their lives in HPG'li Country Ekmen'in (Welat) funeral by the family from Handles State Hospital after a convoy of fifty vehicles and place of birth is connected to the fascicular Handles ( Fırqê) was brought to the village.
Instead of ecclesiastical law in the village mosque after the funeral HPG'li Ekmen'in yellow, red and green coffin wrapped with puşilere to the village cemetery was off. DTP Diyarbakır Kulp between and including the district administrator of the hundreds of people attended the funeral ceremony often 'andreitalujan Biji Apo', 'revenge', 'O şehid riya riya me to te' and 'comrade of the sun is the immortal' motto was taken to. Funeral to rest here after a speech made DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Board İhsan stubborn.
The Kurds insist on peace while people still come for the funeral notice that the stubborn, 'honor these young people who fight for a life in an honorable way of life are lost. And young people's struggle of the Kurds will not give up. Kurdish problem is discussed these days is still the funeral said. The funeral ended with a second position of respect. Then pass condolences to the family tent HPG'li Ekmen'in here has accepted visits of condolence.
Handles County on August 9 in the rural areas initiated by TSK operations as a result of the conflict who lost their lives in HPG'li Country Ekmen'in (Welat) funeral by the family from Handles State Hospital after a convoy of fifty vehicles and place of birth is connected to the fascicular Handles ( Fırqê) was brought to the village.
Instead of ecclesiastical law in the village mosque after the funeral HPG'li Ekmen'in yellow, red and green coffin wrapped with puşilere to the village cemetery was off. DTP Diyarbakır Kulp between and including the district administrator of the hundreds of people attended the funeral ceremony often 'andreitalujan Biji Apo', 'revenge', 'O şehid riya riya me to te' and 'comrade of the sun is the immortal' motto was taken to. Funeral to rest here after a speech made DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Board İhsan stubborn.
The Kurds insist on peace while people still come for the funeral notice that the stubborn, 'honor these young people who fight for a life in an honorable way of life are lost. And young people's struggle of the Kurds will not give up. Kurdish problem is discussed these days is still the funeral said. The funeral ended with a second position of respect. Then pass condolences to the family tent HPG'li Ekmen'in here has accepted visits of condolence.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
İmralı'da "air opposition"
Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers "air opposition" did not go because İmralı'ya. Talks will be held on tomorrow or Friday.
08.00 during the morning hours of the Gemlik district İmralı'ya transition from the Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers to the Gendarme Command Ömer Güneş, Aydın Oruç, Asia Akbas Serkan Ülker and actions to do was wait in the car for a while.
After the necessary checks, lawyers for the opposition because of the air can not go İmralı'ya reported.
At that time answering questions of journalists lawyer Ömer Güneş, air can not go to the island today because of the opposition, said they plan to go tomorrow or Friday. Lawyer sun, journalists with questions about the process of the solution was left unanswered.
Lawyer, bring the newspaper and some documents to be delivered by the gendarmerie in the minutes he left the area.
Lawyers will go on Friday İmralı'ya
For the usual weekly meeting is held Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers on Friday İmralı island can not go today will go to the island has been reported. Öcalan's lawyers that the sun of the Omer in the air today muİmralı'da "air opposition"
Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers "air opposition" did not go because İmralı'ya. Talks will be held on tomorrow or Friday.
08.00 during the morning hours of the transition from the Gemlik district İmralı'ya Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers to the GENDARME Command Ömer Güneş, Aydın Oruç, Asia Akbas Serkan Ülker and actions to do was wait in the car for a while.
After the necessary checks, lawyers for the opposition because of the air can not go İmralı'ya reported.
At that time answering questions of journalists lawyer Ömer Güneş, air can not go to the island today because of the opposition, said they plan to go tomorrow or Friday. Lawyer sun, journalists with questions about the process of the solution was left unanswered.
Lawyer, bring the newspaper and some documents to be delivered by the Gendarmerie in the minutes he left the area.
Lawyers will go on Friday İmralı'ya
For the usual weekly meeting is held Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers on Friday İmralı island can not go today will go to the island has been reported. Öcalan's lawyers that the offering of the Omer in the air today because of the opposition will be held on Friday said that negotiations can not be held on Friday to call can not be realized due realized.halefeti said.
08.00 during the morning hours of the Gemlik district İmralı'ya transition from the Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers to the Gendarme Command Ömer Güneş, Aydın Oruç, Asia Akbas Serkan Ülker and actions to do was wait in the car for a while.
After the necessary checks, lawyers for the opposition because of the air can not go İmralı'ya reported.
At that time answering questions of journalists lawyer Ömer Güneş, air can not go to the island today because of the opposition, said they plan to go tomorrow or Friday. Lawyer sun, journalists with questions about the process of the solution was left unanswered.
Lawyer, bring the newspaper and some documents to be delivered by the gendarmerie in the minutes he left the area.
Lawyers will go on Friday İmralı'ya
For the usual weekly meeting is held Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers on Friday İmralı island can not go today will go to the island has been reported. Öcalan's lawyers that the sun of the Omer in the air today muİmralı'da "air opposition"
Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers "air opposition" did not go because İmralı'ya. Talks will be held on tomorrow or Friday.
08.00 during the morning hours of the transition from the Gemlik district İmralı'ya Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers to the GENDARME Command Ömer Güneş, Aydın Oruç, Asia Akbas Serkan Ülker and actions to do was wait in the car for a while.
After the necessary checks, lawyers for the opposition because of the air can not go İmralı'ya reported.
At that time answering questions of journalists lawyer Ömer Güneş, air can not go to the island today because of the opposition, said they plan to go tomorrow or Friday. Lawyer sun, journalists with questions about the process of the solution was left unanswered.
Lawyer, bring the newspaper and some documents to be delivered by the Gendarmerie in the minutes he left the area.
Lawyers will go on Friday İmralı'ya
For the usual weekly meeting is held Abdullah Öcalan's lawyers on Friday İmralı island can not go today will go to the island has been reported. Öcalan's lawyers that the offering of the Omer in the air today because of the opposition will be held on Friday said that negotiations can not be held on Friday to call can not be realized due realized.halefeti said.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ethnic identity can not be buried in this soil due to Tigran
Life in Athens in the 75-year-old Kurd who lost the doyen of music Aram Tigran funeral to be buried in the Diyarbakir Turkey still needed permission from the impasse, DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtaş, Aram Tigran lose since they will first need to be brought to Diyarbakır Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture before heavy contact on that, but still a final result not achieved by highlighting, with sadness and pain to express would like that, just because an artist from the ethnic identity and folk said because of the language will need to request for the land can not be buried. No other reason at all. A funeral will not wait that long 'he said.
75-year-old Kurd who lives in Athens, lost the doyen of music Aram Tigran, 'I Amed'e (Diyarbakir) bury the' want to be buried in Diyarbakir on intestacy started the crisis is upon. Turkey, Tigran funeral to be brought to the Diyarbakir Security Directorate General of Foreign Office report based on trying to prevent it, DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtas and Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir before the results of the initiative did not come. Diyarbakir scheduled for today, the funeral ceremony was canceled, DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtas, Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir and DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman of the Euphrates Anlı, Diyarbakır Greater Municipality Theater Hall in front of the camera switched to the issues relating to the disclosure made.
The first description of the DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman Anlı Euphrates, started as an in Aram Tigran mercy in the speech, 'Peace envoy' lives lost, and known as the Haci Sait Şanlı was also an thankfully. Prohibited a language 40 years, the council made a statement and a multi-lingual and multiculturalism, the dengbêj and ad culture of the council and the transfer of the Aram Tigran the value of any discretion on that by saying, 'People in this land who live in Mesopotamia's children as we all debt payments have to. In August we lost 7 of its territory Aram Tigran last journey to this stage until we have to bid farewell. Up to this point, our faith and our hope that teachers in their own land to bury our precious soil mamostemizi was born. This is five days of intensive efforts to içersindeyiz. To make any friends last mission are in an intense effort. So far, our application for official procedures to get a positive response "he said. Made a call Anlı, with seven in Diyarbakir Aram Tigran meet one last time and hope to entrust their own territory. Hrant Dink in a word 'we have observed in our soil. " But to enter into. He has to Aram Tigran observed in this soil. At the moment, and I miss how you were able to land not merely talked.
Baydemir: We've completed our preparation
After Anlı speaking of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir, the Middle East geography of the Turks, Kurds, Armenians and Arabs between the culture of peace envoy and ambassador in the meeting of cultures as a bridge, one of the rare personalities who lost Aram Tigran expressed that the 'head of the Mesopotamian peoples sağolsun. Common to the people of Diyarbakir was sadness in love. Like many people, he was hosting him Diyarbakir. And health was brought into a successful operation took place. Medication was changed, and in Athens as a result of fluid in the blood of life lost as a result of cerebral bleeding. With Death coming to Diyarbakir and Diyarbakir in people who also expressed şinaslığını power and at the same time his adherence to his own expressed gratitude in a way to bid farewell to last all the preparations have completed. Cemetery is ready. Related church is ready. As a whole will be established sympathies to all the technical details available. But unfortunately, in Athens is still Naas. Unable to bring a kind of 'as it had not. Is a great phrase for Aram Tigran the Baydemir, 'Just Nazim Hikmet, Ahmet Kaya, Ahmed Arif, Yılmaz Güney, and like other artists such as the lost. We're still waiting for a higher sensitivity. The only thing people will do Diyarbakyr chances are worthy of the effort is to perform the final sendoff. And to cherish. It should not balk at the shekel that ought not to have too Tigran'a Master Aram. Our expectation is to continue. A funeral will be appreciated that this does not hold up 'has shown that reaction.
'Practice did not reflect'
Then provides information on the initiative Baydemir'in DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtaş, multiculturalism and multi-lingual is an art of its own structure into the deep pain of losing the man was brought to live. Demirtaş, Aram Tigran between five days, the phrase is, 'But to return to our five-day effort is looking for. We support efforts to that endeavor is. Political processes in the Aram Tigran is very caustic and are experiencing a period of very rapid development yitirdik. Talk about ethnic identities brothers to meet. Each corner of this land of the Republic of Turkey in fact a cultural richness that move also means the state authorities. The previous day, Mr President 'Mem û Zin is our culture,' he said. Of course this land is also valuable in every culture need to be a claim. But the same practice on the death of Aram Tigran would like to see. This understanding is reflected in the practice would like to see 'he said.
'An exact result'
'With sadness and pain I want to express that, just because an artist says ethnic identity and language of the song because of the need to devise any territory can not be buried in the Demirtaş, another reason that there is no reason, and actually said this. Since the first day of lost Tigran Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture as expressed in contact with very intense before, you said: 'As of the weekend with the bureaucratic process is stopped. We've concentrated our efforts again since yesterday. Home Affairs Minister and Mr. Minister of Culture have forwarded our sensitivity. Mr. efforts spent in the AKP Diyarbakır deputy Abdurrahman Kurt. Today, heavy traffic, made the call again. Unfortunately, peace could not come to your final result. " That's five days waiting for a funeral is not the right of conscience of the human and the Demirtas underlines, this situation is unfair and has made a stance.
'The Ministry has rejected as verbal'
A man to fulfill the last will and testament of the efforts to be remarkable in the Demirtaş, 'So when a person dies "I want to be buried in Diyarbakir in the rest of people have been killed over the last wish is for a debt. The government's attitude and also a man of such demand to be met to be extremely flexible in attitudes were like. But unfortunately it turned into a crisis and still could not overcome. A funeral will not wait that long. However, the meet will make us responsible. We'll forward once more to be said. Until now, by the Consulate Piraeus Athens family that have been transmitted orally by the negative response that is reminiscent Demirtaş, 'This answer depends on the Ministry of Internal Security Directorate to the Ministry of Foreign Department of the negative comment and therefore not transferred to Turkey was specified. Other than that, not an answer. We call for sensitivity to the relevant ministries are doing. Hope that the problem can be solved merely made.
Demirtaş, will make a statement about the net then save again, under preparation alternative Tigran family is not taken to Diyarbakir's funeral will be buried in Brussels said the.
75-year-old Kurd who lives in Athens, lost the doyen of music Aram Tigran, 'I Amed'e (Diyarbakir) bury the' want to be buried in Diyarbakir on intestacy started the crisis is upon. Turkey, Tigran funeral to be brought to the Diyarbakir Security Directorate General of Foreign Office report based on trying to prevent it, DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtas and Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir before the results of the initiative did not come. Diyarbakir scheduled for today, the funeral ceremony was canceled, DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtas, Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir and DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman of the Euphrates Anlı, Diyarbakır Greater Municipality Theater Hall in front of the camera switched to the issues relating to the disclosure made.
The first description of the DTP Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman Anlı Euphrates, started as an in Aram Tigran mercy in the speech, 'Peace envoy' lives lost, and known as the Haci Sait Şanlı was also an thankfully. Prohibited a language 40 years, the council made a statement and a multi-lingual and multiculturalism, the dengbêj and ad culture of the council and the transfer of the Aram Tigran the value of any discretion on that by saying, 'People in this land who live in Mesopotamia's children as we all debt payments have to. In August we lost 7 of its territory Aram Tigran last journey to this stage until we have to bid farewell. Up to this point, our faith and our hope that teachers in their own land to bury our precious soil mamostemizi was born. This is five days of intensive efforts to içersindeyiz. To make any friends last mission are in an intense effort. So far, our application for official procedures to get a positive response "he said. Made a call Anlı, with seven in Diyarbakir Aram Tigran meet one last time and hope to entrust their own territory. Hrant Dink in a word 'we have observed in our soil. " But to enter into. He has to Aram Tigran observed in this soil. At the moment, and I miss how you were able to land not merely talked.
Baydemir: We've completed our preparation
After Anlı speaking of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Mayor Osman Baydemir, the Middle East geography of the Turks, Kurds, Armenians and Arabs between the culture of peace envoy and ambassador in the meeting of cultures as a bridge, one of the rare personalities who lost Aram Tigran expressed that the 'head of the Mesopotamian peoples sağolsun. Common to the people of Diyarbakir was sadness in love. Like many people, he was hosting him Diyarbakir. And health was brought into a successful operation took place. Medication was changed, and in Athens as a result of fluid in the blood of life lost as a result of cerebral bleeding. With Death coming to Diyarbakir and Diyarbakir in people who also expressed şinaslığını power and at the same time his adherence to his own expressed gratitude in a way to bid farewell to last all the preparations have completed. Cemetery is ready. Related church is ready. As a whole will be established sympathies to all the technical details available. But unfortunately, in Athens is still Naas. Unable to bring a kind of 'as it had not. Is a great phrase for Aram Tigran the Baydemir, 'Just Nazim Hikmet, Ahmet Kaya, Ahmed Arif, Yılmaz Güney, and like other artists such as the lost. We're still waiting for a higher sensitivity. The only thing people will do Diyarbakyr chances are worthy of the effort is to perform the final sendoff. And to cherish. It should not balk at the shekel that ought not to have too Tigran'a Master Aram. Our expectation is to continue. A funeral will be appreciated that this does not hold up 'has shown that reaction.
'Practice did not reflect'
Then provides information on the initiative Baydemir'in DTP Group Deputy Chairman Selahattin Demirtaş, multiculturalism and multi-lingual is an art of its own structure into the deep pain of losing the man was brought to live. Demirtaş, Aram Tigran between five days, the phrase is, 'But to return to our five-day effort is looking for. We support efforts to that endeavor is. Political processes in the Aram Tigran is very caustic and are experiencing a period of very rapid development yitirdik. Talk about ethnic identities brothers to meet. Each corner of this land of the Republic of Turkey in fact a cultural richness that move also means the state authorities. The previous day, Mr President 'Mem û Zin is our culture,' he said. Of course this land is also valuable in every culture need to be a claim. But the same practice on the death of Aram Tigran would like to see. This understanding is reflected in the practice would like to see 'he said.
'An exact result'
'With sadness and pain I want to express that, just because an artist says ethnic identity and language of the song because of the need to devise any territory can not be buried in the Demirtaş, another reason that there is no reason, and actually said this. Since the first day of lost Tigran Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture as expressed in contact with very intense before, you said: 'As of the weekend with the bureaucratic process is stopped. We've concentrated our efforts again since yesterday. Home Affairs Minister and Mr. Minister of Culture have forwarded our sensitivity. Mr. efforts spent in the AKP Diyarbakır deputy Abdurrahman Kurt. Today, heavy traffic, made the call again. Unfortunately, peace could not come to your final result. " That's five days waiting for a funeral is not the right of conscience of the human and the Demirtas underlines, this situation is unfair and has made a stance.
'The Ministry has rejected as verbal'
A man to fulfill the last will and testament of the efforts to be remarkable in the Demirtaş, 'So when a person dies "I want to be buried in Diyarbakir in the rest of people have been killed over the last wish is for a debt. The government's attitude and also a man of such demand to be met to be extremely flexible in attitudes were like. But unfortunately it turned into a crisis and still could not overcome. A funeral will not wait that long. However, the meet will make us responsible. We'll forward once more to be said. Until now, by the Consulate Piraeus Athens family that have been transmitted orally by the negative response that is reminiscent Demirtaş, 'This answer depends on the Ministry of Internal Security Directorate to the Ministry of Foreign Department of the negative comment and therefore not transferred to Turkey was specified. Other than that, not an answer. We call for sensitivity to the relevant ministries are doing. Hope that the problem can be solved merely made.
Demirtaş, will make a statement about the net then save again, under preparation alternative Tigran family is not taken to Diyarbakir's funeral will be buried in Brussels said the.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tigran Germany was in an
Living in Athens on August 8 the artist Aram Tigran eyes shut in a Germany city of Cologne was an event.
Many artists participated in an activity, in speech, Tigran Kurds as a turning point in cultural history are highlighted, "Kurdish music is a star of the record" was said.
Greece's capital Athens lost their lives in the artist Aram Tigran, with an an event was held in the town of Cologne. TEV-Culture Movement Çand Europe, organized by the memorial yesterday, the Kurds have been made in the institute. In the halls of the original poster artist Aram Tigran a private condolence to the table was created.
An to, among Şivan Perwer, Xelîl Xemgîn, Diyar, Ceva Mervanî, Gulistan, Aydın, Brader'in well as dozens of artists and was attended by representatives of the Kurdish authorities. The artists discussed here, the basic building block of music from Aram Tigran Kurds as noted, the memories live on various dates told him. Artists in the past to share memories with Aram Tigran explain why the room was in the emotional moments to happen.
The Kurdish people was AŞIK
TEV-speaking representatives in an Nupel Çand Munzur, Aram Tigran was not important in the culture of the Kurds. Munzur, said: "Aram Tigran, Kurdish music is an important name. Kurdish music and life was dedicated to the Kurds. Kurdish freedom struggle and a soldier was a good friend of Abdullah Öcalan. Kurdish people, never forget that they did not. "
Tigran life book artists that in turn is Kakşar Oramar, began by telling the artist's life. For more than 10 years, met with Aram Tigran Oramar said, "He was a man in love with the Kurdish people. He was screaming and the sound of Kut. Relationship with music 'bajar home' come to the world and Qamişlo'da stems from its relationship with Cigerxwîn, "he said.
Aram Tigran said to Diyarbakir in love Oramar, said the speech was: "He was in love with a Diyarbakir. At this age to go to Diyarbakir learned Greek and became a citizen of that country. After Diyarbakir Newroz'a 'I've realized my biggest dream. Died in the buried next to me to Diyarbakir Mehmet Uzun's' say they will. And must fulfill the request. "
Kakşar Oramar, Aram Tigran the Kurdish people be a bridge between the Armenian people also noted that the Kurdish authorities have to edit it on behalf of an international prize, he said.
'MUSIC FOR COURAGE is richness'
Perwer Şivan talking here, and as Aram Tigran physical, and are separated from "the great wealth, however, Kurdish music is left to say, the artist is immortal stressed.
Artist is a color indicating the Şivan Tigran Perwer Kurdish music, "still works, in languages such as O Dilber is epic. Kurdish people have something very valuable to the left. They know us and to future generations is enough. He said, Mihemad sexo, Tahsin Taha, Mehmed Arif Cizrewî, Ayşe Şan joined the caravan as immortal artists. Place is heaven, "he said.
Xelil Xemgin the Aram Tigran remember 22 years, the acquaintance, said: "Art has done many things in life. Our father was our brother and friend. O, the Kurds for art and artists have a sacred value. Aram Tigran, a ideoldu. Never place can be filled. "
Five Sahin, Aydin, Brader, Mervanî Ceva, Diyar, Gülistan, such as artists, the order that the words, Aram Tigran Kurds in the value of music is not cutting you leave work and his songs do not call the Kurds are not the artists noted, "We record a star" said.
Conduct an activity in the Kurdish Institute in Cologne after 3-day condolence for artist Aram was founded.
Many artists participated in an activity, in speech, Tigran Kurds as a turning point in cultural history are highlighted, "Kurdish music is a star of the record" was said.
Greece's capital Athens lost their lives in the artist Aram Tigran, with an an event was held in the town of Cologne. TEV-Culture Movement Çand Europe, organized by the memorial yesterday, the Kurds have been made in the institute. In the halls of the original poster artist Aram Tigran a private condolence to the table was created.
An to, among Şivan Perwer, Xelîl Xemgîn, Diyar, Ceva Mervanî, Gulistan, Aydın, Brader'in well as dozens of artists and was attended by representatives of the Kurdish authorities. The artists discussed here, the basic building block of music from Aram Tigran Kurds as noted, the memories live on various dates told him. Artists in the past to share memories with Aram Tigran explain why the room was in the emotional moments to happen.
The Kurdish people was AŞIK
TEV-speaking representatives in an Nupel Çand Munzur, Aram Tigran was not important in the culture of the Kurds. Munzur, said: "Aram Tigran, Kurdish music is an important name. Kurdish music and life was dedicated to the Kurds. Kurdish freedom struggle and a soldier was a good friend of Abdullah Öcalan. Kurdish people, never forget that they did not. "
Tigran life book artists that in turn is Kakşar Oramar, began by telling the artist's life. For more than 10 years, met with Aram Tigran Oramar said, "He was a man in love with the Kurdish people. He was screaming and the sound of Kut. Relationship with music 'bajar home' come to the world and Qamişlo'da stems from its relationship with Cigerxwîn, "he said.
Aram Tigran said to Diyarbakir in love Oramar, said the speech was: "He was in love with a Diyarbakir. At this age to go to Diyarbakir learned Greek and became a citizen of that country. After Diyarbakir Newroz'a 'I've realized my biggest dream. Died in the buried next to me to Diyarbakir Mehmet Uzun's' say they will. And must fulfill the request. "
Kakşar Oramar, Aram Tigran the Kurdish people be a bridge between the Armenian people also noted that the Kurdish authorities have to edit it on behalf of an international prize, he said.
'MUSIC FOR COURAGE is richness'
Perwer Şivan talking here, and as Aram Tigran physical, and are separated from "the great wealth, however, Kurdish music is left to say, the artist is immortal stressed.
Artist is a color indicating the Şivan Tigran Perwer Kurdish music, "still works, in languages such as O Dilber is epic. Kurdish people have something very valuable to the left. They know us and to future generations is enough. He said, Mihemad sexo, Tahsin Taha, Mehmed Arif Cizrewî, Ayşe Şan joined the caravan as immortal artists. Place is heaven, "he said.
Xelil Xemgin the Aram Tigran remember 22 years, the acquaintance, said: "Art has done many things in life. Our father was our brother and friend. O, the Kurds for art and artists have a sacred value. Aram Tigran, a ideoldu. Never place can be filled. "
Five Sahin, Aydin, Brader, Mervanî Ceva, Diyar, Gülistan, such as artists, the order that the words, Aram Tigran Kurds in the value of music is not cutting you leave work and his songs do not call the Kurds are not the artists noted, "We record a star" said.
Conduct an activity in the Kurdish Institute in Cologne after 3-day condolence for artist Aram was founded.
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